Fat Burning Foods List - The Best 30 That Scorch Fat

This list contains the top 30 fat burning foods that will scorch away fat, helping you get lean, sexy and healthy

The saying you are what you eat can't be more right. What you eat can make up to 80% out how you look. And if you apply that saying to fat-burning foods - if you eat fat-burning foods you will become a fat-burning machine.

That's what this article (and the bonus resource at the end) will do for you - they will help you burn more fat. All you have to do is include these fat-burning foods in your diet and make sure that your diet is balanced and healthy.

Here's the fat-burning foods list, inlcude them in your diet regularly:

Fat burning foods list - top 30 fat scorchers

Celery - Munch on a few stalks to keep your hunger at bay.
Cauliflower - Ensure that you regularly include cauliflower with your meals.
Lettuce - All types of lettuce is fat burning.
Cucumber - Cucumber makes a great snack with a fat free cottage cheese dip.
Apples - Apple's do not only keep the doctor away, but the fat as well.
Berries - Berries are super healthy and good for your waistline.
Broccoli - Broccoli should also feature regularly on your plate.
Carrots - Carrots are good for your eyes and for your figure and make great snacks.
Lemons - Cook with lemon juice and flavor your water and drinks with slices and the juice of a lemon.
Mangoes - Great tasting and also fat burning.
Pineapple - Pineapple makes a great fat burning snack.
Ice cold water - After drinking a glass of ice cold water, your metabolism rises. So drink up!
Green tea - Green tea is a natural fat burner. Make sure that you drink at least one cup per day.
Morning cup of coffee - Your first morning cup of coffee can actually speed up your metabolism.
Fat free yogurt - Have at least one tub of fat free yogurt per day.
Low fat/reduced fat cheese - Low fat cheeses are good for you. The calcium in them speeds up weight loss.
Skinless chicken fillets - Skinless chicken fillets are low fat and help you build lean muscle mass that burns away fat.
Oily and other fish - Have at least 2 servings of oily fish per week and 2 servings of other fish.
Grapefruit - Grapefruit are great to snack on.
Cinnamon - Add cinnamon to your meals and some of your drinks.
Chilies - Cook regularly with chilies.
Spinach - Be sure to add spinach to most of your meals.
Baby potatoes and sweet potatoes - As long as you prepare them the healthy way, they are excellent fat burning food.
Seeded and health breads - Make these your breads of choice
Beans and other pulses - Be sure to include these regularly in your diet.
Almonds - Have 6 almonds every day, they help to keep you full.
Whole-wheat pasta - Stick to whole-wheat pasta and skip the rest
Olives - Olives and avos contains healthy fat that keeps you full.
Oat meal (oats) - Start your day with a bowl and you will be full until lunch time.

Only having a long fat burning foods list will make it difficult to remember all of them and it will make it more difficult to include them in your diet.

That's why I have made special report on the different types of fat burning foods - how they work and I've included lots of examples and also a few guidelines on how to use them to make the perfect fat burning diet.

And now I would like to offer you free instant access to this special report, just for reading my article today. You can get access to this free report by clicking this link: FREE fat burning foods report

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzie_Parker