How to Get a Flat, Tight Stomach? Steps to Get a Toned Stomach

A flat stomach is a hallmark of good health. Most important thing to get a flat stomach is gathering of the right information. Getting a toned stomach is a three-step process.

-Proper diet: Proper diet selection is the first and foremost step to get a toned stomach. You should consume foods rich in fiber. As an appetite suppressant fiber prevents you from eating more. It also cleanses colon and thus helps you in your weight loss mission.
Fruits and vegetables, such as acai berry, apple, banana, aloe vera etc. are popular sources of fiber. You also need metabolism boosting foods.

-Burn fat all over your body:
Doing hundreds of sit-ups, crunches or work out with fancy exercise equipments alone will not deliver you the coveted stomach. Fat is not stored on any particular part of our body. So working on any specific part will not give the desired result.

You need to get rid of the fat all over your body. Start with any cardio exercise: walking, running, jogging, swimming, or cycling. These will increase the heart rate and boost metabolism. Higher metabolic rate burns more calories and eliminate fat.

-Right stomach Exercise: Top abdominal exercises are:

Reverse abdominal crunches
Leg lift

Three common mistakes people commit in the hope of getting toned stomach muscle:

-They try to get it by spot reduction: They try to achieve it overnight by doing only abdominal exercises.
-Fall prey to ab-gimmicks: Advertiser's miracle piece of ab equipments is claimed to be the quick fix solution for getting tight belly muscles. People think this device is sufficient for getting a flat stomach.
-Eat too many calories unknowingly: In the form of potato chips, soda, cold drinks, donuts they consumes a lot of calories.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenny_Banks

Insider Secrets on How to Flatten Stomach Bulge and Get a Toned Sexy Body

Have you always dreamed of showing off that chizzled core or slim sexy figure, but your mirror tells you a different story. Now with a few of these secret tips, you too can discover how to flatten stomach bulge and get that amazing body you have been dreaming about.

TIP #1

Aerobic Exercise - This remains one of the most effective and efficient way to shred any sort of tummy fat and leave you with jaw dropping abs. Aerobic exercise can be in the form of brisk walks, water exercises, jogging, aerobics and much more. For a more effective weight loss, high intensity training programs well burn off the fat and calories in rapid time.

TIP #2

Having a healthy balanced diet remains a critical step when it comes to how to flatten stomach. Beware of eating too many processed foods such as bacon, salami and bologna. Switch to skinless chicken, lean meats and fresh fish. These food tend to have a high protein level to give you the energy when exercising.

Also you must resist the urge to keep snacking on treats such as chocolates, cakes, potato chips etc. Instead it would be more beneficial to have an apple, or banana or any type or fresh fruit or vegetable. An lastly stay away from carbonated beverages.

TIP #3

Do not focus on losing stomach fat alone. Instead you should also be concerned with toning your entire body. You must strengthen you entire body in order to achieve maximum weight loss and body toning. Strengthening of the core muscles which include the lower back, abs and hip flexors will help hold your tummy and give you a flat stomach. Palates are a good exercise in how to flatten stomach and toning of other parts of the body.

Be sure to set aside at least 20 mins a day for aerobic and overall body toning exercises and maintain a healthy diet and you will be well on your way to getting rid of belly fat and having a toned sexy core.

I hope these quick tips on how to flatten stomach bulge was of great value.

For more powerful secrets on how to flatten stomach [http://www.mostamazingabs.com] bulge and achieve a celebrity body Click Here [http://www.mostamazingabs.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kerron_Ali

How To Get A Flat, Toned Stomach

One of the most common fitness questions this time of year is "How can I tone my stomach for swimsuit season"? Typically, people believe that the guaranteed quick route to obtaining a rock-solid six-pack is a path packed with hundreds of sit-ups or abdominal crunches. Wrong!

The reality is that even if you do crunches every day you aren't guaranteed to get the stomach you desire. Getting those highly sought after, toned abs requires more work than just abdominal exercises. Plus, as far as stomach exercises go, sit-ups or crunches alone are not the solution.

We won't go into detail about the muscles that make up the abdominal wall, but it's good to know the basic information. At a high-level the abdominal/trunk area consists of 5 major muscles. It's necessary that all of these muscles be exercised. It's also important to utilize different types of training techniques like concentric, eccentric and isometric.

In addition to training those muscles, it is imperative that you also reduce the fat in your stomach area. If you don't decrease the fat in this area, then you'll never see well-defined abdominal muscles not matter how long and hard you train them.

The key to reducing body fat is a comprehensive workout program that consists of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility exercises. Plus, don't forget a healthy diet. Good examples of cardio exercises are: walking, swimming, aerobics, and jogging. Strength training can be done with dumbbells, resistance bands and even just your own body weight. Flexibility can be as simple as a few stretches held in place for about 20 seconds.

Now, back to the specifics of abdominal training. Traditional crunches can be a part of your abdominal training, but should be limited and certainly shouldn't be the only part. To most effectively work your stomach area, it's necessary to include about 80% rotational work. Rotational exercises are those that include twisting-type methods. Simple crunches do not fall into the rotational category because you simply lift your body straight up and down.

To most effectively train your abs, incorporate a lot of variety, including different positions and equipment. This will allow your muscles to continually be challenged, which is what will help make them stronger and more defined. Remember that you don't have to lie on your back in the supine position to work your stomach area. There are hundreds of different ways to work them, including exercises in a standing position, on your side, raised on a ball, hanging from a bar, etc.

Don't forget the importance of form. If you don't use correct form when performing abdominal exercises, you'll severely limit the effectiveness not to mention possibly cause an injury. Tips for correct form include:

Don't ever pull on your neck or head
Don't allow your legs to move, they should remain still -- let your abs do all the work
Try to keep your belly button pulled in toward the floor throughout the entire move.

To get you started, below are a few sample exercises* with instructions. Start working out today, and you can show-off your toned abs in time for summer.

Basic Crunch: Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands lightly behind your head for support. Using your abdominal muscles lift your shoulders a few inches off the ground, pause briefly and return to start position. Complete at least one set of 10-12 reps.

Standing Towel Circle: Stand tall and hold a small towel (or resistance band) taut overhead. Contract abs and slowly draw a large, wide circle over your head and around your torso with your hands. Keep towel pulled taut throughout. Return to beginning position and reverse the circular direction. Complete at least one set of 8-10 reps in each direction.

Oblique Twist With Ball: Begin by sitting on the ball. Walk feet forward until ball is resting under your back -- body is now parallel to the floor. Place hands lightly behind head for support. Using your abdominal muscles slowly crunch up lifting your shoulder blades off of the ball and rotate left shoulder toward right hip. Return to starting parallel position and repeat then switch sides.

For access to a huge library of exercises demonstrations (including demos for the above exercises), visit: http://www.workoutsforyou.com

*You should always consult your physician before trying any new exercise programs.

Lynn Bode, author and certified personal trainer, offers her services online through WorkoutsForYou.com. Workouts For You delivers affordable weekly exercise programs to help even the busiest of people lose weight, tone-up, build muscles, increase stamina and more via the Internet. Let us guide you one-on-one through your fitness journey. Visit us online for a free sample workout.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lynn_Bode

3 Brutally Effective Rules to Get Six Pack Abs Quick, Burn Belly Fat and Be Fantastic!

Like it or not, sitting at home on the floor doing crunches all day long will not yield the six pack stomach that you want so desperately. It is hard work getting the ripped, toned stomach that we all want so badly, but there are wrong ways to go about it. Just like anything, there are many right ways, but a few general rules that everybody must follow. Here are these rules (exercises):

The first rule is you must pay attention to your eating.

I say eating because diet sounds like it is temporary. If you are serious about getting abs and want the hot, toned body that bad, you will not believe me. You will go out and try every other pill, gadget, magazine, and all that jazz. You will fail desperately and then come back to see me. Your diet is the biggest hurdle in getting the body you want. Even Bruce Lee is acknowledged to have said this.

The second rule is you must put your mind to your workouts.

If you read a magazine and chew gum and casually walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes before packing up to go home, you are sorely mistaken that you will achieve anything but a mind filled with glamor gossip from Hollywood.

You need to put all your intensity, mental power and focus into your workouts. Your workouts will be about an hour long, 3, 4, 5 times a week. Surely you can just focus on your workouts for that pittance of time you are giving back to your health and self?

The third rule is that you must do some lifting if you want a real toned, lean body.

You can run and swim and cycle all you want, but girls and guys get that sexy toned, lean physique from lifting weights. Not massive bar bending weights, just what you can handle at your point in your journey.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just finished my brand new course that uncovers the secrets to fat loss, muscle building and getting a six pack.

Download it free here: How To Get Abs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Johnny_Palmer

Quick Fat Burning Cardio Exercises

Most of us do not have a lot of time during our day to fit in any extra activities. Unfortunately, exercise is an activity many people put on the back burner. The most common excuse is a lack of time. Yet, we still manage to fit in activities that we find fun. If there was a way to make exercise fun, challenging, as well as short, I'm sure more people would make the time to do it. The good news is, there is exercise that is fun and provides a full-body workout in under an hour. Best of all, it also burns fat better than most other exercises that you can do.

Quick Fat Burning

What I'm referring to is called interval training. It is also referred to as HIIT (high intensity interval training.) What makes this so effective is because unlike boring, steady-state cardio, you use your own body weight to build muscle. Muscle is the main ingredient in burning fat. The more we have, the more we can burn. The exercises that you can do include basic ones like:

jumping jacks
mountain climbers
sprintingWhen you combine several of these exercises into sets, performing 12 to 15 reps each, and then resting in between sets - you have interval training. Benefits include:

full body workouts
shorter workouts
increased fat burn
tons of exercises to do
challenges the body
builds muscle
great cardio workout
workout at home, outdoors, or the gymYou are not limited to just your body weight either. You can also incorporate free-weights like dumbbells for an added challenge. Treadmills, ellipticals, or other cardio machines can also be used to perform HIIT. For example, on a treadmill you could warm-up, run as fast as you can for 30 seconds to a minute, then walk at a moderate pace for 5 minutes. Repeat for as many sets as you like.

Since your routines can always be different, your body doesn't have time to adapt. When our bodies become accustomed to the same exercise for long periods of time, the challenge is gone and progress slows. Interval training removes that issue. Another common issue with steady-state cardio is the increased risk of muscle loss. Our goal should be to develop more muscle. Intervals decrease the risk of muscle loss.

This method of exercising can be considered advanced if you have not worked out in a long period of time. It's always best to get advice from your health care provider before starting a new workout program as well as working your way up to more advance routines.

How would you like to see results in just 60 days? The Insanity workout program [http://whole9fitness.com/insanity-workout-program/] takes interval training and turns it upside down. Find out how these quick cardio routines can help you achieve the ultimate fat burn: [http://whole9fitness.com/insanity-workout-program/]

Eartha Haines is an Independent Beachbody Coach and helps others reach their fitness goals as well as starting their own home based fitness business.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eartha_Haines

The Best Foods to Help Lose Weight Fast - Fat Burning Foods That Makes Weight Loss Quick & Easy

Weight loss is an important part of many people's lives. So it comes as no surprise that people interested in weight loss want to know how they can lose weight faster.

Believe it or not, but there are some foods you can eat that will increase your metabolism, reduce your appetite, and allow you to lose weight faster. The best foods to help lose weight faster are foods high in fiber.

High fiber foods will do two things to accelerate your weight loss goals. They will allow you to eat less but feel full, and they will also stop you from getting bloated by regulating your digestion.

Look to eat high fiber foods such as green leafy vegetables, which are low in calories. Other good fiber foods to lose weight fast are oatmeal, lentils, and apples.

When trying to accelerate your weight loss through eating the right foods, you have to focus on eating protein foods. Protein is a crucial component when it comes to losing weight because your body will work harder to digest proteins.

Moreover, you will burn extra calories and increase your metabolism by consuming proteins. You should know that there are some proteins like salmon that contain omega-3 fatty acids which can help you lose even more weight faster.

This is due to the fact that omega-3 fatty acids will lower the amount of leptin in your body, which is a hormone that can make the difference between a fast burning metabolism and a slow one. The less leptin you have in your body the more your body will burn fat faster.

Some of the best lean protein foods to lose weight fast include chicken, turkey, eggs, soy, and low-fat dairy products. By eating the right foods that puts your metabolism in a fat burning state, you'll have a hard time not reaching your weight loss goals.

If you want to drop 22 pounds in the next month then check out the best Fat Loss Diets that can help you to do so and keep off the weight long term. Click Here and learn how to lose fat from your waistline and start looking good in the mirror.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Vanderbilt

Quick Fat-Burners For The Busy Working Woman Over 50

If you are a woman over the age of 50 you may be finding weight loss challenging. If you also work outside of the home, then your busy schedule may be pushing healthy eating and exercise down on your list of priorities. No worries, this article shares some quick fat-burning tricks you can incorporate into your schedule that do not require extra time.

Women over 50 experience a shift in hormones. This shift causes a change in the way the body lays down fat making it easier for your body to store fat in your belly. This can be a frustrating challenge for a woman that requires a shift in how you go about eating and exercising.

The first thing a woman can do to burn more calories during the day is lower her carbohydrate intake. This does not have to be a drastic change, but it will help your body burn more fat and store less in your belly.

As you age your body is more likely to convert carbohydrates to fat, rather than burn them for energy. By obeying this change in the body you can speed fat burning by reducing your carbohydrate intake by 200 to 300 calories a day and replacing those calories with protein.

While carbs are easy for your body to convert to fat, proteins are not. The additional work your body must go through to process protein gives your metabolism a daily boost. Try having and egg or cottage cheese for breakfast, instead of toast and you will save yourself 100 carb calories.

Another quick fat-burner for women over 50 is to focus on "one-ingredient" foods. One ingredient foods are foods that are not combined with other ingredients or processed. This would include whole pieces of fruits, chicken breasts, fish, sweet potatoes, vegetables, and so on.

Processed foods add ingredients that can stop your body from burning fat. If you are eating a lot of processed foods that come in a box or ready-to-eat, then you are making it hard for your body to burn fat.

One more simple way to burn more fat during your busy day is to eat high-fiber foods with any carbohydrate. Carbohydrates, especially those that are simple sugars cause a spike in insulin levels. When insulin is high your body shuts down fat-burning and finds it easier to lay down fat, especially in your abdomen.

Eating high-fiber foods with carbs slows the release of insulin allowing your body to stay in the fat-burning zone. This is simple to do and may be as easy as having a medium size salad with lunch and dinner.

Losing the weight is possible for working women over 50 but there are things you must do.

Get the complete picture of How to Burn Fat in my Free Report "How to Keep Your Body in a Fat Burning State 24/7".

Are you looking for motivation? Discover the goals of other women over 50 and see how your goals stack up to theirs. I guarantee their inspiring stories will give you the motivation to reach your weight loss goal!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Becky_Gillaspy

Here's A Quick And Easy Way To Keep Burning Fat!

Here is a whole list of what you CAN have (vs what you can't have) post-workout foods that you are actually encouraged to eat! Score!

These foods not only help to keep metabolism high and promote continued fat-burning, but they actually help restore the body after the stress of working out. Score again!

Protein: 10-20 grams are needed to help muscles recover and grow. Increasing your muscle mass allows you to burn more calories. Muscle tissue requires more energy than fat and eating protein can enhance metabolism.

Sources of protein include: turkey breast, chicken breast, tuna, halibut, salmon, tofu, edamame, eggs, Greek yogurt, nuts, seeds, quinoa, ricotta, shrimp, lentils, some sports bars and drinks, whey protein shakes.

A unique source of protein is Ganoderma lucidum mushroom. By itself, Ganoderma tastes very bitter. Many athletes use Ganoderma hidden in specialty coffees, teas, and hot chocolate, and nutraceuticals.

Ganoderma is an excellent source of protein, antioxidants, and polysaccharides. Ganoderma's active ingredients increases metabolic rate. Many athletes who use these products lean towards the nutraceuticals, coffee with ginseng, and red tea with Cordyceps. These added ingredients are also known to aid in weight loss and enhance workouts. The added benefit of all three helps to protect the body against disease.

Polysaccharides strengthen body's natural healing ability while assisting with digestion. Coffee alone stimulates adrenaline to burn fat. Use before and after work outs. Drink coffee with ganoderma, add cinnamon (which moves glucose into cells faster, so insulin uptake is less) and/or Coconut oil (which contains a unique combination of fatty acids that supercharge metabolism that especially targets belly fat). Coffee with Ganoderma gives you the energy of caffeine without the shakes or pH imbalance of regular coffee.

Phytonutrient sulforaphane stimulates an enzyme that tells fat cells to burn fat. This can be found in broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cabbage.

Monounsaturated fat in avocado expands cell membranes so that it can communicate more effectively with fat burning hormones. It also switches off the body's fat storage hormones and boosts metabolism to protect against free radicals.

Brazil nuts burn fat by converting thyroid hormone to active form. They also bind up toxins that normally would store in fat cells, thereby ridding body of cellulite.

Chia Seeds are packed with omega-3 fats, fiber, protein that all help to suppress appetite, crank up metabolism, and trigger glucagon (a fat burning hormone).

Oysters are rich in zinc which decrease appetite (and oysters are known to increase "passion" another great way to lose weight!)

For more information or just to say "hi' please come visit me at The Blog. I would love to chat with you over a cup of coffee or tea. Stay healthy!

Anne Kolsky is a Proud Mom, Registered Nurse, Self Proclaimed Career Change Specialist and Ganoderma Expert. In her former life she was a Physical and Health Education teacher and coach. She later earned her MSed in Community Counseling. Now she is Living Life Like Queen Anne and loving it! Come say hello on The Blog at http://lifeofqueenanneblog.weebly.com/ Learn more about the Biz at:http://boundforborabora.weebly.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anne_Kolsky

Learn to Get a Flat Stomach With Brain Foods

Did you know that brain food can actually make you slimmer as well as smarter? "Brain foods" are any food that help increase brain function. I am sure you have heard of the South Beach Diet or the Atkins diet. There are lots of diets out there that really work (in the short term), however, they don't provide lasting results. The only way to get lasting results and keep your flat stomach is through nutrition. So, lets get eating and get a flat stomach.

Once proper nutrition is part of your overall lifestyle, you never have to go on another diet again! Now, that can't be bad. Four Nutritious Foods That Fight Belly Fat AND Make You Smarter

Oily Fish

This contains Omega 3 which has been know to help improve brain function. Because fish is high in protein, it also helps build muscle mass and assist weight loss. A truly win win situation. If you are a student facing exams, Omega 3 is your secret weapon and it will also help you get a flat stomach.


If you like to work out in the mornings, then oatmeal is the thing for you. Its light on your stomach, easy to digest, will give you a long release of energy, its good for your heart, helps reduce cholesterol and its SUPER CHEAP! But don't forget, it will also help you get a flat stomach by fighting belly fat.


Lentils are also known as legumes. They have practically zero fat, are very high in protein, also SUPER CHEAP and offer a long release of energy. They are very versatile and can be used to add a bit of extra protein to any dish or recipe. They help you get a flat stomach as they are high in fibre and have no fat. They also help build up muscle mass. Muscle needs more calories then fat so you can actually eat more and weigh less.


I'm not sure who coined the phrase "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" but usually old wives have quite a lot of truth in them. This fruit can also help you get a flat stomach as they are a good source of carbohydrates that are digested quickly for energy. If you need an energy boost during your workout, just eat an apple and you will be able to keep going for longer. They are also good to snack on as they help stop cravings. They have a high water content which is good for eliminating toxins.

Your flat stomach is just a trip to the grocery store away. You can get a flat stomach by making simple, easy and very cheap changes to your diet for long, life lasting results. Eating brain foods will also increase your brain function and your overall sense of health and well being. It really is that easy to get a flat stomach [http://www.get-a-flat-stomach.net] and keep it.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aoife_Gaffney

The Best Vegan Meal Plans System For Weight Loss and Muscle Toning

Eating Vegan has many benefits in a world where animals are raised in dismal conditions, crowded and unsanitary habitats, and are pumped full of anti-biotics and other drugs. This is just the way the meat industry is trying to meet the endless demand for meat. Needless to say, the meat we eat today isn't even close to its natural form and may contribute to a great number of health issues.

The problem is that becoming a vegan has its challenges as you need to find sources for calcium, iron, B12, and protein, things mostly found in animal products. Otherwise, your nutrition may be lacking severely. Therefore, it's important for you to take good care of your nutrition.

Instead of doing lengthy research on your own, a good idea would be to use expertly made vegan meal plans. These can help you lose weight and increase muscle definition without eating a single ounce of meat. The only problem is to find a good source of meal plans.

I believe that the best resource you can use is the Easy Veggie Meal Plans system by Kardena Pauza.

The reason why this system is great for vegans is that it contains a full 90 day meal plan schedule (a long period of time which can be repeated without getting bored with your food) including detailed recipes and preparation instructions .

In addition, Kardena Pauza, who's an expert in vegan nutrition and physical fitness does a great job in detailing how you can make sure you're getting all the necessary quantities of calcium, iron, and protein, all from natural, vegan sources.

This is an excellent hassle-free way to make sure you're eating zero animal products while still maintaining a healthy nutrition plan which can help you with any fat loss or fitness goal you want to achieve.

For more information on this system, click here: Easy Veggie Meal Plans Reviews.
To see how you can get this system for 50% off, visit: Kardena Pauza's Veggie Meal Plans

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

Fat Burning Diet - Fat Burning Foods to Add to Your Diet

When you are considering taking on a fat burning diet, then you should be aware of the different foods that would assist you here. Adding such foods to your diet would incorporate significant changes in your metabolism.

The good thing about including these food items is the fact that this does not really incur that much expense on your part. This is because these foods can be bought in any of your local supermarkets!

The citrus group of fruits, for starters, should be on top of your list here. These fruits include oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes. These actually make great dietary supplements when you are aiming for an increase in your metabolism rate.

There is also that old cliché about an apple a day keeping the doctor away. This is also helpful in a fat burning diet because the fruit has the interesting ability of helping the body reduce its production of fat cells. Interestingly, it is the peel of the apple that is very capable of this. The peel limits the amount of fat that your body absorbs. What's more, the peel has water binding properties that promote the release of fat deposits. Thus, do not take the peel off your apple the next time you eat one. Many people neglect to eat the peel. But if they knew about the fat-burning properties of apple peel, then they just might want to eat them as well.

Fat-free salads should also be included in your diet, for they can also reduce fat deposits. Along with the salads, you should take in garlic oil, which is a natural antibiotic on its own. Garlic oil is very easy to come by because you can find it in just about any health food store in your local area.

Vegetables, as expected, should be included as well. There are certain vegetables that have impressive weight loss properties. These include asparagus, which contains the fat burning property known as asparagines. Asparagus now only reduces fat levels in your system; it also promotes the proper circulation in your body.

Better jot down beets on your list as well. You can spice up your salad with beets since they have diuretic properties. Beets actually have a type of chlorine, which is primarily a stimulant, which can promote the natural flushing out process of fat from your system. Speaking of salad ingredients, lettuce should be added as well. Lettuce has so many minerals that promote the proper functioning of your body's immune system. What's more, your metabolism rate is also increased by taking in lettuce!

These are just some of the foods you should have in your fat burning diet! So many more can be included as well.

For more tips on how to burn fat and lose weight, be sure to read Jenni's article on Finding the Perfect Weight Loss Plan.

Ready to get fit in 2008? For a well-balanced fitness and weight loss program that can help you reach your goals, you'll want to learn more about Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. For a review of Burn the Fat and a run down of the pros and cons of many popular diet plans, visit http://dietinspector.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenni_Kerala

Great Weight Loss Meal Plan

Most diets are so restrictive that they are hard to follow. Some diets like the South Beach diet restrict carbs while other diets restrict fat. It is hard to figure out what to eat on a restrictive diet. This makes it difficult to come up with a meal plan that you can actually follow. For weight loss success to occur, you need to have an easy to follow weight loss meal plan.

I found a new diet called Strip That Fat. One of the hardest parts about dieting is trying to come up with a meal plan. Strip That Fat's Diet Generator solves this problem. You go to their webpage and select from a list of foods for each of 5 meals per day and it generates a meal plan for you. For each meal there are 15-20 different choices. There are a total of over 40,000 possible combinations between all the meal choices so you get endless variety.

The diet is divided into five daily meals. You get breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. They have a diet generator that randomly generates a diet from the food choices you make. I love it because you get a lot of variety. I simply select the foods I like and it generates a two week meal plan for me. They also have a recipe section as well.

They also have an optional exercise plan you can use. It is different because it concentrates on exercises that you can do without going to the gym. The program teaches you which exercises actually increase your metabolism as well as the proper technique for exercises you may already be doing.

The results you can get with Strip That Fat are quite good. You can lose 2-3 pounds per week and unlike most diets, you won't gain it back. Strip That Fat is designed for permanent weight loss.

Will Strip That Fat work for you? Based on my experience with this diet I would say it is definitely worth looking into. To learn more about this diet Click Here!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shawn_Scarborough

How to Burn Stomach Fat - Are You Making These 4 Common Mistakes?

Everybody who's trying to lose weight or slim down wants six pack abs, or at least to burn stomach fat away.

I don't know anybody who doesn't want to shrink their waistline, lose body fat, and develop a jaw dropping set of rock-hard abdominals.

Unfortunately, we've been fed lies about how to make this dream become a reality. If you really want to get a ripped abdominal section, you must protect yourself from the lies, myths and rumors about how to effectively burn stomach fat and empty your mind of the garbage you have been fed.

Here are the Top 4 Most Common Fallacies About How to Burn Stomach Fat.

How to Burn Stomach Fat Mistake #1: Quick Fixes Work

Fad diets, crash diets, weight loss diet pill, quick weight loss diets - they don't work!

The truth is that we are being manipulated by merchants selling these quick fixes. When we are desperate to lose weight, we become easy prey because we buy these useless products while our emotions are high. I'd been there many many times before, and I can assure you that they don't work.

In fact, if have this rule of thumb, you'll never really go wrong: anything that promises to burn belly fat drastically within a short period of time or anything that promises to burn belly fat without effort on your part is highly likely to be ineffective.

Think about it: if these fad diets or pills work, it's usually for the short-term and with side effects! Besides, you're almost guaranteed to find yourself in an even worse position compared to when you first started! Is this what you really want?

Unless you actually want to have a reduced waistline for only a couple of days, then by all means throw your money on those bogus pills. But if you really want lasting and real results, then seek long-term solutions, not short-term quick fixes.

How to Burn Stomach Fat Mistake #2: Doing an Insane Amount of Stomach crunches is the way to go.

Working towards getting a six-pack abs doesn't require hundreds of crunches a day. Crunches are totally overhyped and linked with more being better.

Vince Del Monte, author of No nonsense Muscle Building Success Kit, stated that excessive floor crunches shorten the abdominal wall, pull your head forward (hence the neck pains) and emphasize poor posture. According to Vince, abdominal crunches actually produce a very low level of stimulation due to inadequate muscle fiber recruitment.

The key to lose belly fat is to reduce your over-all body fat. In truth, we all have a 6-pack - we just need to shed the body fat covering it!

So if you want to lose stomach fat fast, focus on doing exercises that burn the maximum amount of body fat in less time. These are exercises that use your whole body, or ab workouts that provide a higher level of muscle stimulation - i.e., exercises that use big muscle groups that tone your muscles and make you sweat at the same time.

There are many ways you can do this, but one example is doing a circuit training session consisting of both cardiovascular and weight training exercises like sprinting, the Spiderman, Push ups, Jumping Jacks, Squats, lunges, dumbbell rows and Abdominal V-ups to name but a few.

How to Burn Stomach Fat Mistake #3: You need expensive workout equipment.

Did you know that of the $520 million dollars a year spent on exercise equipment, abdominal machines get a $208 million dollar piece of the pie? It's no wonder why after buying these equipment your wallet is the one that lost weight, not you!

The truth is that you don't need to shell out money in your quest to burn stomach fat. There are more than enough cardio exercises you can do without any equipment. The same goes with compound exercises - you can use your own body weight and they're very effective in burning off that stubborn tummy fat. Examples of these exercises are jogging in place, running outdoors, knee ups, jumping jacks, chest press ups, push ups, squats, lunges, plank, leg raises, abdominal cycling movements, chin ups, etc.

How to Burn Stomach Fat Mistake #4: You need to starve yourself.

If you want to lose stomach fat fast, you need to increase your metabolism, and the best way to do this is to increase your muscle mass percentage.

Starvation diets starve the muscle, so guess what happens when you starve yourself? Your body goes into survival mode and holds on even tighter to body fat! Your body must get energy from somewhere so guess what gets sacrificed? That's right, your precious muscle which is in fact responsible for maintaining a high metabolism!


When it comes to how to burn stomach fat, if you really want great results fast and want to stay that way you must do what really works:

Focus on long term solutions, not quick fixes
Do cardio exercises and whole body weight training exercises for maximum fat burning and muscle building
Forget about shelling out money on buying expensive workout equipment you don't need
Eat adequate amounts of healthy food

If you're really serious about finding out what truly works when it comes to burning stomach fat, two of the best resources I've found are Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program, and Vince Del Monte's No-nonsense Muscle Building [http://www.musclegainers.info] program. You can read honest product reviews of these two bodybuilding programs at Muscle4Hardgainers blog.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Clement_R._Yeung

Destroy Belly Fat: 6 Solutions

FOR THOSE OF YOU who've read my articles you've probably suspected that I've been battling a weight problem. And I'm winning the battle with proper, precise information, the desire for all-around good health, and the dogged determination to actively to something about it. Weight is the outward problem and one aspect of that is BELLY FAT. If you looked at me from the belly up, or the belly down, you probably wouldn't think that I'm fat. However, all my fat appears to be concentrated around the belly. I've gone from 308 down to a refreshingly comfortable 278, a thirty-pound loss during the past five months. My belly is smaller, but it's still a problem, and I will continue to strive for a healthy physique.

My main weight-loss successes have come from the following six solutions:

1. Exercise - I've discovered that early morning exercise is the most effective. I like to go for a ten to twenty-minute walk at least every other morning. Three or four times a week, I also do a five-minute workout of my arms with a ten-pound resistance loop band. This is the best time to exercise. On an empty stomach after the night-time fast, you burn three times as many calories as you would after breaking the fast. According to Bill Phillips and Michael D'Orso, Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength, New York: Harper Collins, 1999: "Exercising before you eat causes the body to dip right into stored fat."

2. Water - I'm beginning to enjoy the exclusive drinking of water. Occasionally I drink fruit juice, but I've narrowed it down to those two liquids. The best thing to do is drink a large tumbler of water before each meal. For my weight, I now need to drink a total of 140 ounces of water per day, that's one-half my body weight in ounces.

3. Fiber - This helps clean the system and reduce sugar and fats that go right to the belly. Whole grain products, lentils, seeds, nuts, garbanzo beans, fruits, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage are great sources of fiber.

4. Fats - If you eat the right fats you lose fat. Does that sound right? But it's true. The right fats are the omega-3 and -6 fatty acids as found in nuts and seeds, avocadoes, and olives. And never eat hydrogenated fats as found in margarine or shortening.

5. Protein - Eat lean protein such as in skinless poultry and fish. Those help speed up your metabolism and that burns off the belly fat. Also, I sometimes eat a protein bar for lunch.

6. Enzymes - They break down the food so that it doesn't stay in your system and turn to belly fat. The best source: raw vegetables. But if you must, just blanche or steam them for a few minutes.

If you have the will-power to follow these solutions you'll lose belly fat too.

Please consider my newest creative non-fiction book: Dismounted Liberty, written under the pen name Chris Gregory. It's available in paperback through Amazon, or it's also available in kindle format and can be easily obtained and read on your iPhone; note: Dismounted Liberty, in that eBook edition will be FREE to download from February 11th to 14th and all I ask is that for you give it an honest review.

Learn more about this book by going to http://www.amazon.com/Chris-Gregory/e/B00FYXT8BA/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_E_Gregory

How To Lose Stomach Fat - Why You're Doing It All Wrong

First things first...

You've already made the commitment to try and find a way to lose those extra layers of fat, and want to find a solution for how to lose stomach fat, so why not make sure that you read this entire article in its entirety...it's worth your 5 min I promise :).

Now to move onto the REAL reason why you decided to jump on the computer and search for ways to lose that pesky belly fat...

One of the most important things that you need to understand about yourself is that you are NOT alone in your fight to lose unwanted fat, I was once there, and countless others are in that same position that you are in today. Take myself for example, I was once overweight and didn't know the first thing about losing weight, exercising or weight training; that was 15 years ago. It was then that I fell in love with the sport of bodybuilding, and have been a competitive bodybuilder ever since.

The one thing that I notice above all other factors is that people just like you who are desperately seeking a solution to their problem of losing stomach fat are constantly being fed half truths or massively inaccurate information. This leads to those endless searches on Google that usually lead to you typing away the phrase "how to lose stomach fat" night after night. Then when you decide on going with one of these so called "solutions" or fad diets (that almost always require a pretty penny), you're once again left disappointed...still with that unwanted and pesky belly fat.

Look out for these signs when picking through all the junk out there:

1. Don't pay attention to fad diets, they don't work...never have and never will (I'll explain why)

2. Don't pay attention to anyone that tells you need to eat very little or far less to lose weight! This is so far from the truth it's not even funny. If you want to burn fat, it's in fact the complete opposite (I'll explain in a bit).

3. Those who say exercise is not needed to burn fat might be right on one side of the argument, but are missing the big picture (you'll see why in a second).

4. Low fat or fat free diets are pointless and will only increase your bodies resistance to burning fat ( this too is explained ).

5. Those who say that you don't need supplements in aiding you're fight for fat loss might be correct on some level, however they forget to mention that something as simple as a daily multi vitamin will not only naturally boost your bodies ability to burn fat, but you keep you healthy as well.

So now you know what to watch out for, and why things might not have worked out as you planned in the past with your valiant efforts to lose stomach fat. So to help you along and help answer that age long question of "how to lose stomach fat" here are some very important pointers:

Tip # 1 - Eat The Right Foods, At The Right Times, In The Right Amounts!

Probably the most misunderstood concept of fat loss is the way one has to eat to lose weight and burn fat. It is a commonly held belief that to lose weight and burn the fat, one needs to make sure they consume less food and less often, as well as eliminate many certain kinds of nutrient rich foods that supposedly "make us fat".

This is simply not true! In fact to lose weight and burn unwanted fat, you actually have to eat the right nutrient rich foods, more often throughout the day (between 5 to 6 meals a day).

Eating too little will slow your metabolism by a drastic rate and actually cause you to keep the weight you already have and even gain more fat in the process, which puts one in a very frustrating situation. Eating properly at the right times and in the right amounts will in effect boost your body's metabolism and kick your own natural fat burning machine into high gear!

Tip # 2 - Exercise Properly, Safely & at The Right Times!

Ok, it's a very commonly known fact that ones needs to exercise to burn fat and lose unwanted weight, but what's less known and understood by the population is HOW & WHEN to exercise. No...just going for a jog everyday when you rise at 6am won't do the trick

Your body works on a natural internal time clock, and when combined with the right diet, your body will be in a peak energy and fat burning phase during certain periods of the day much more then others, so it pays to exercise at the proper times of the day and in proper fashion.

Proper & Safe exercises and techniques can help make a huge difference between reaching your weight & fat loss goals and staying frustrated jumping from one "solution" & "new diet" to another.

Tip # 3 - Proper Supplementation with the Right Supplements Are a BIG Boost to You're Efforts!

One of the most overlooked areas of any diet, weight loss and fitness program, are the arena of supplements. Most individuals acquire their supplementation knowledge from four main sources....all of which are usually very inaccurate, uneducated in the matter, and highly biased.

These sources usually end up being, doctors, friends, supplement or store advertising and worst of all the local and national media. If there are any worse and inaccurate sources of information regarding supplements, fat loss, and fitness, I have yet to find them.

The truth is that PROPER use of natural supplements can add a major boost to your campaign to burn fat, lose weight and most importantly increase your overall health. The right supplements contrary to what most people believe will help to drastically increase the speed and effectiveness of your results, while helping you become more healthy and stronger, both physically and mentally.

Tip # 4 - Most Popular Diets Are Over Hyped & Will End Up In a Failed Weight Loss & Fat Burn Campaign!

Sorry, but that's the simple truth! This is of course not to say that no one has ever had any success with diets such as the low carbohydrate or fat free diets, but the success rate is rare and far in between for a huge number of reasons.

Most of these "fad" diets will also bring with them a host of short term and long term problems. The human body is designed to keep fat, gain fat, burn fat, and to add or lose muscle, and believe it or not you're the one at the helm and in control of what direction you want your body to go.

You need the proper diet, exercise, sleep, and supplement schedules lined up in perfect unison, and none of these fad diets are the right way to go.

Tip # 5 - Super Low Fat & Fat Free Diets Are a Horrible Idea That Actually Hinder Your Body From Burning Fat The Way It Was Naturally Meant To!

This is one of those very much overlooked facts about dieting and fat loss. What very few know and understand (this includes many doctors by the way ) is that the right fats in the right amounts are required by your body to actually stay healthy, and burn unwanted stores of fat.

Yes, I know this sounds like a catch 22, but the science behind this so called "phenomenon" is actually very simple. The Right Fats are actually triggers to your body telling it to produce more of the natural hormones that are responsible, for energy, health, muscle growth, and of course an increased rate of fat burning.

Add the right fats in the right amounts to your diet, and you will give your body a huge natural boost that you've been seeking all this time.

Sometimes doing it on your own isn't enough, and I understand, I've been there! Learn how to lose weight, keep it off, and stay healthy from a group of competitive bodybuilders, athletes, and trainers. http://howtoloseweightfast.wikidot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mikee_Dunn

Lose Belly Fat Through Diet And Exercise

The question of losing belly fat troubles thousands of people who seek an effective and quick solution to their problem. For some a high school reunion or wedding reception may be the immediate reason for the need to lose belly fat. Others are simply seeking a long-term solution to reduce the tire around their middle.

Some think starving is the only way to lose belly fat. Well, it helps to diet and reduce your daily intake but exercises that works on your abdominal muscles are also necessary. Consuming more food than what your body needs causes it to store it. For most people the belly and the hips are the regions where the fat gets stored and is obviously visible. So are you stuck with your belly fat. Not really. With the right mix of exercise and diet you can rapidly burn off your belly fat and sport a new and improved look.

Start with balanced diet. No point in starving yourself. The body thinks there is a food scarcity and immediately starts hoarding all the fat. This is a remnant of our past when food was scarce and you never knew when you will get your next meal. So, don't send the signal of scarcity to your body. Instead let it know that there is plenty of food which is readily available at any time it wants. Eat smaller quantities of a wide variety of food stuffs. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and healthy fats.

Don't over stuff yourself at any meal. Just eat the right amount, which does not make you feel stuffed or heavy. Next, you need an exercise regime that works the muscles in the abdomen. One trick that really helps is hold your stomach in when doing most of your exercises. Also, when walking or doing your household chores, while sitting at your work table try to pull your stomach in. Do this consistently and you will notice that your stomach muscles getting more tone and shape.

There are specific exercises like lying bicycle, side plank, squat, vertical leg crunch, side crunch, exercise ball crunch are just few of dozens of exercises for the abdomen. It is important to engage the muscles in the stomach to be engaged when doing strength training. This helps them to lose the excess fat and get back into top shape. Apart from this hiking, swimming and biking are also good tummy trimming exercises. Just remember to keep your belly muscles pulled in when your exercise. This will go a long way in trimming fat and losing it from your stomach area.

For a complete article on exercises to lose belly fat, please click here - http://guydz.com/exercises-to-lose-belly-fat/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cumba_Gowri

Best Way to Burn Stubborn Belly Fat - 3 Fat Melting Exercises That Burn Stomach Fat at Warp Speed

If you are looking for the best ways to burn belly fat then you must forget about doing all the normal exercises that people tell you to do if you really want to lose the fat from your belly. Below I will reveal to you 3 of the best exercises that you can do, which will put your metabolism in overdrive so you start burning more body fat than ever before.


Burpees are one of the best exercises that you can do if your serious about losing body fat. The reason why burpees are such a great fat burning exercise is because they are an all body exercise and that means that you will burn more calories when you do them. When you do them you use your legs and your upper body at the same time so you maximize the amount of calories being burned. The best way to do burpees is to include them with some other exercises at the same time like a circuit.

Rolling box jumps

These are awesome for burning fat because you are using your legs and some of your upper body to perform the exercise which means your burning more body fat. All you need to do these is a bench. There like normal box jumps except you start and finish the exercise on the floor in a crunch position. You can do rolling box jumps on their own but to make things a little more interesting and fun your best to include them with some other exercises.

Ball hop burpees

These may sound similar to normal burpees but they are actually quite a bit different because you use a ball when doing the exercise. These are real killers and if you want to jump-start your metabolism then definitely include these within your workout or circuits. I often include ball hop burpees in my workouts and they are one of the best fat burning exercises that you can do because they not only work your legs but your upper body and your entire core, making you burn lots more calories than doing any standard boring exercises like the treadmill or the stepper.

These 3 super high fat burning exercises are just a few that you can start to include in your workouts. If you include these exercises in your workouts on a regular basis you will start to strip away stubborn belly fat really fast.

Click Here [http://www.RippedSixPackAbs.org] to Discover for FREE lots more of the Best ways to Burn Belly Fat [http://www.RippedSixPackAbs.org], and the secrets to Building Six Pack Abs that no one tells you!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Stephen_Nicholls

How to Lose Belly Fat Quickly - Get a Sexy Flat Tummy Super Fast With These Little Known Tips

Are you struggling to get a flat tummy? Those exercises ain't quite cutting it for you? Most people focus on the WRONG things when they want to get flat abs, and if you want to avoid those pitfalls I recommend that you take 2 minutes off your busy day and read this.

Contrary to popular belief exercising will NOT give you those sexy abs that you want so bad, not alone that is. Just because you can run a little and some ab crunches that doesn't mean that you are gonna lose that belly fat.

I am going to share some tips with you that many people very rarely consider and they are making a very big mistake by doing so.

1. You absolutely NEED to drink more water. This is one of the most basic and yet TOTALLY overlook ways of eliminating more toxins from your body so that your metabolism can burn that belly fat right off, 24 hrs a day.

2. You NEED to sleep better. Again, a very good and often overlooked way of helping your body burn that belly fat faster. You can lose as much as 500 calories when you sleep and besides that you increase your metabolic rate by giving your body more energy during the day.

3. You need to get a high amount of antioxidants into your body along with some other acids that will further increase your metabolic rate and flush out toxins from your digestive system. I have seen people eating very little and yet still having a belly just because they had "debris" in their digestive system.

As you can see, the main focus here is increasing your metabolic rate and eliminating toxins. These are the biggest secrets to losing belly fat fast, easy and healthy at the same time.

Do you want to lose 20 pounds or more in as little as 2 weeks? If you answered YES then I recommend that you use a natural based supplement.

There are thousands of success stories with people losing as much as 35 pounds in 1 month, tell me that this isn't amazing?

CLICK HERE for more details and get started TODAY!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jesse_M.

Key Tips to Burn Belly Fat

Toning the stomach is one of the most difficult tasks that a dieter will face. This is because you can lose weight via brute force methods such as fad diets, quick fixes and weight loss gimmicks but not all of the weight loss comes from losing fat. In fact a large portion of the weight loss may actually be the result of muscle and water loss.

When you are losing lots of muscles, you can be assured that you will not be able to achieve a toned stomach. In order to achieve a toned stomach, you need to lose fat and maintain your muscles. You need to go back to the fundamentals of healthy weight loss and incorporate these principles into your life to achieve the goal of a well-defined abdominal section.

Holistic approach is essential

It is extremely important that you have a holistic approach to losing belly fat. This means that you cannot focus on diet or exercise separately. In the same manner, an approach with drugs or diet pills will not work either. You have to practice a healthy lifestyle that incorporates all the factors that promote natural and effortless weight loss. These key fundamentals of losing weight include healthy nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep and supplementation. Another important consideration is stress management. You can follow any weight loss program out there that incorporates all of these factors. You will not only lose fat in the belly area but in all other areas of the body as well. The fat will come off and stay off.

Diet that you can sustain for a lifetime

You cannot be on a diet for a 2 or 3 month period. This stop-gap measure may allow you to lose some weight but it is very unlikely that you will be able to keep the weight off. This is because the weight will come back on faster than you lost it, once you come off the diet. That is why its best to get on a healthy eating plan. Get rid of all the unhealthy, processed and junk food. Follow an eating plan that you can sustain for the rest of your life. The weight loss may be slower than a fad diet but the excess pounds will consistently come off. You will also find that you will easily be able to keep the weight off because your healthy diet is part of your lifestyle.

Measure fat loss instead of weight loss

The only way to lose belly fat is by losing fat. As you consistently lose fat, you will eventually shed all the extra flab on the stomach. You will not be able to monitor this progress if you are monitoring the wrong measurement. As was already mentioned above, you could be losing muscle and water when you lose weight. Muscle and water loss is not going to help you in your effort to tone your stomach. You should use body fat calipers along with the weighing scales to measure your fat loss. Bodyfat calipers allow you to easily measure your bodyfat level. You will only lose stomach fat if your body fat levels are reducing. Interestingly, you can lose weight and yet not have much reduction in body fat levels. This is when you would have lost weight and yet end-up with a pooch belly.

Focus to losing 2 to 3 pounds of fat a week

This is one of the golden rules of healthy and sustainable weight loss. Makes sure that all of your weight loss is from fat loss. Also ensure that you are losing 2 to 3 pounds of weight per week. This is the upper limit of your body's ability to burn fat. People who claim to be losing more than 2 to 3 pounds a week are probably losing lots of muscle and water. This can be easily verified by using the body fat calipers. They will find that they are losing weight but the caliper reading is not reducing. Losing lots of muscles and water will not help in your efforts to tone your stomach. In fact, it will make the protruding belly look more pronounced.

Burn belly fat with these fundamental principles of weight loss

When you follow the above fundamental principles, you can be assured of healthy and sustainable weight loss. You will lose fat on your belly as well as on other parts of your body. The fat will come off slowly but consistently. The best part is that the fat comes off and stays off.

If you would like more information about how to burn belly fat [http://losebellyfat-blog.com/burn-belly-fat-diet-tips/], visit the Lose Belly Fat Blog. You will find lots of credible and well researched information that you can apply in your daily life on how to get rid of stomach fat [http://losebellyfat-blog.com/get-rid-of-stomach-fat/].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paramjit_Sidhu

6 Amazing Foods That Burn Belly Fat - Who Knew Peanut Butter Was a Fat Buster?

So you want to lose that belly fat and you want to know what the magic food is that will do it fast right. Well there is no single food or group of foods that is going to make you lose fat. There is a difference between just losing weight and losing fat, particularly belly fat. You can lose through a diet simply by reducing calories. However, after you've lost the weight you are still going to have fat flabby skin hanging off you.

Fat is burned by muscle. The more muscles you exercise the more fat that is burned. Its really that simple. So does that mean you have to become a fitness fanatic and spend hours exercising? No. But you will have to do some exercise to get the muscles burning the fat.

If you're going to exercise, wouldn't it be great if you got the best benefit in terms of burning the flab? Well you can help out those workouts by eating foods that will burn more calories and boost your metabolism.

Here's a basic rule about the body processing food. It takes more effort (calories) to process proteins than it does to process carbohydrates and fats. That's not saying you should be on a strictly protein diet because that's not healthy. But if you can get the right combination of protein, fiber and nutrients you can really help your metabolism do its thing.

So what are these foods. Well there are a ton out there but here are seven that I think will shock you.

Eggs, Egg Yolks

Who knew the egg commercials were right? Eggs, specifically egg yolks are ounce for ounce the best source of nutrients available. They pack a ton of vitamin B-12 which the body needs to metabolize fats. In a study done at the University of Louisiana, researchers found that people who ate eggs every morning as opposed to people who ate bagels, lost more weight. Eggs come with cholesterol so you want to check with your doctor before you try this.

Iced Green Tea

The real brewed stuff, not the processed bottled drinks, are super high in antioxidants and antioxidants speed up metabolism (also great for repairing damage done by high blood pressure). Tea drinkers who consume four cups a day have been proven to burn 266 more calories than those who don't drink tea.

Fresh Green Leafy Vegetables

Great source of fiber and antioxidants with very few calories. Plants like spinach, broccoli, arugula, and romaine will fill you up and give you the nutrition you need. What's really surprising though, is iceberg lettuce, the most commonly used lettuce in commercial salads, has almost no fiber at all. Don't confuse iceberg with the other great leafy plants.

Natural Peanut Butter

Who knew? Natural peanut butter, not to be confused with the Jiffs and Skippys of the world is packed with niacin which keeps the digestive track in order and prevents stomach bloat. Two tablespoons of this little treat every day will actually help you lose fat.

Parmigiano Cheese

Now this little fact comes from the University of Wisconsin so it might be a bit suspect. However, a study done there shows that Parmigiano cheese is low in calories and has the highest protein value of any other food in the dairy group. In addition it is rich in calcium which ignites fat burning hormones.


Unsalted nuts like Almonds and cashews provide a good fatty acid as well as a lot of fiber that makes us feel full longer. Here's a little tip. Take a handful of nuts 30 minutes before each meal. You'll find you are not nearly as hungry and will eat less.

So there you have it. Six foods that will help you lose belly fat and get you to that new slim look you know you have inside you.

Oh, there is another way to burn belly fat quickly and its called exercise but that's another article.

Do you know all of the fat burning foods that work? Do you know what combination of exercises work best with a fat burning diet. I have to admit that I didn't at first and I wasted a lot of time and energy. You can get the answers to those questions plus some very unusual belly fat tips by visiting http://foodsburnbellyfat.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rachel_Willson

How to Burn Belly Fat Super Fast

Most people would like to have a flatter, tighter stomach but they don't really know how to do it. They eat wrong and they exercise wrong. If you want to get sexy abs you need to do one thing before any other: burn belly fat.

It doesn't matter how strong your abs are. If you have fat covering them, you will never see them emerge. They will always be covered and hidden. That's why you need to lose the stomach flab first and only then work on strengthening those abs.

You do that with a 3 part process. Get any of these wrong and your results will not be optimal. Do them right and you'll be burning belly fat super fast.


Muscle tissue is your best friend because it's the best way to burn off body fat. Muscles need more calories just to sustain themselves, so you need to increase muscle tissue. Of course, you don't need to bulk up to do it. Even a small increase can go a long way.

Many people only do cardio. This is wrong because to really get the fat to melt, you must have healthy muscle tissue on your body. Do 3 strength training workouts each week and you will see excellent results.


Cardio workouts are important, but they must be done to burn off the most fat. You need to stop measuring the time you do cardio and start paying attention to how intensive your workouts are. Basically, the more intensive your workouts are the better (within reason, of course). Don't waste time doing ineffective, slow pace workouts. Push yourself and really burn off fat.


Your food should feed your muscles, help make your workouts effective, and not contribute to your fat. Do that by eating fresh food, home cooked as much as possible, avoid fried and fast food, and switch your snacks to fruit and vegetables to be as healthy and lean as possible.

If you do all that, you will have great looking abs.

For more fat burning tips, go here: Burn Off Belly Fat Fast
To read more about the best abs program today, go here: Truth About Abs Review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

Abs Exercise For Stomach Tone - 2 Keys to Great Abs

Fitness is the most important thing in today's fast world. However, we are constantly attacked by different views and opinions coming from the media about the best fitness products. Today, we may hear about the fat loss qualities of a certain food item while on the next day we hear contradicting news. One thing that we all are concerned about is losing belly fat. Everyday we see new fitness products on TV that promise to give us great abs. Some of these products make claims about giving you perfect abs without putting forth much effort. However, if you want to get flat abs while watching TV, you will not have much success. From time to time we bump into bizarre diet books about low carb, low fat, high protein, vegetarian, fasting, Atkins, South Beach, liquid diets etc. Many times we see people shifting from one diet plan to the other in order to see quick changes. This is sure to drive us crazy one day if we don't focus on the basics about getting flat abs.

The best way of doing abs exercise for achieving a flat stomach is by concentrating on the intensity of your workout. Stomach exercise is crucial for getting perfect abs. However, situps and crunches can be a big waste of time. The reason being that crunches and situps work only for a few among many, and those mainly beginners, and then only for a few weeks. When you exercise your abs and stomach, you must do so with increasing volume and intensity to get fast results. Crunches and sit-ups offer the least amount of resistance, hence, fail to shape the abdominal muscles.

Other than this, it is not good to shift from one diet plan to another; your diet plan must be the one that suits your body. Proper diet coupled with proper exercise can help in reaching your goal, i.e. flat abs. So, you can say that there are two keys of getting a toned stomach: 1) Efficient Exercise and 2) Correct Diet.

Efficient Exercise:

An ideal abs exercise must be the one that stimulates fat burning metabolism for your stomach. However, this will not happen if you focus only on your abs. In order to lose stomach fat you must concentrate on the entire body and not just on your abs. Using full body, multiple-joint resistance weight training exercise designed to target the abs region of your stomach is the secret for fast abdominal muscle development. Examples of these are:

Different types of swings and snatches (unique dumbbell or kettlebell exercises)
Clean & presses
Mountain climbers

There is no better way than performing the above exercises for 20 or 30 minutes, 3 times a week in order to get six pack abs or a flat stomach. If you perform these exercises with vigor and passion then you can get great looking abs for sure. Isolating your ab muscles for toning them will not bear fast results. Losing body fat will help in losing belly fat!

Correct Diet:

Perfect abs exercise needs a perfect stomach diet. Therefore, eating whole grains or sprouted grains will boost your process of reaching your goal. But eating too much grain is not recommended. Organic meats and plenty of vegetables will provide your body's needs as well as stimulate muscle growth and burn away the fat.

There is a craze about eating refined sugar while we can get better sources of sugar from fruits. Fruits also have a high nutrient content; hence, they can surely be an added advantage to your abs exercise regime. Another crazy rush is about having extremely processed, refined, and hydrogenated vegetable oils in your food. Eating nutritious natural sources of fats like nuts, avocados and olives are far better than the attractively packaged processed oils.

So, if you follow the two keys of diet and exercise for the stomach then you are sure to get great abs. Remember there is no shortcut to success; but if you have the will then you will find the way!

To gain instant access to the details of diet and exercise routines to get a flat stomach and six pack abs, go now to AbsExerciseStomach.org [http://absexercisestomach.org/] and cut to the chase!

Be sure to collect your free gift when you get there "Training and Nutrition - Insider Secrets for a Lean Body"

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Georgia_Smith

Smoothie Diet - Will the Smoothie Diet Work For You?

Many people wonder if the smoothie diet will work to help them lose weight. Well, I am living proof that it really does work. I lost over 10 pounds in 2 weeks the first time I did it.

If you follow the right plan, the weight can come off pretty darn quick for you too.

The smoothie method for losing weight is essentially a low calorie diet where you substitute your usual meals with a fruit or vegetable smoothie.

For those of you that like smoothies like the ones you can get at Jamba Juice or a smoothie store, you will find this diet very delicious and satisfying.

For smoothie enthusiasts - let me tell you - when you do this, it will not feel like you are dieting at all. You will not feel deprived like you do on most diets.

And if you do it right you won't suffer from those awful hunger pains. This is not a starvation diet - this is a healthy nutritious delicious meal replacement diet that you do short term to supercharge weight loss and flood your body with living foods that give you lots of nutrition and vitamins.

So how does drinking smoothies help you lose weight? Smoothies when made correctly and nutritiously can fill you up so you are NOT hungry and you won't be tempted to eat forbidden high calorie foods.

Can you lose weight fast? It depends.... if you follow the wrong plan you may end up drinking smoothies that are high calorie and low in nutritional value. You know, it is the same way that you can ruin a healthy salad by pouring half a container of high fat dressing on it.

If you follow my favorite smoothie regimen you can be sure to get smoothies that are not only delicious but are low calorie wonderfully healthy meals.

Losing weight is a simple equation: when you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. With my favorite smoothies, it makes this equation come out perfect every time. The smoothie diet can speed up your weight loss in a big way, and you don't really want to lose weight slow, do you?

Click to learn more about Weight Loss Smoothies and the EASY Smoothie Diet


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jana_Suzzane

Breakfast Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss

I love to make breakfast smoothie recipes for weight loss because not only is having a healthy breakfast important for the day, but making it with fresh fruit and greens is an effective and healthy way to get all the vital nutrients you need to start your day and your metabolism! But there are some things you need to take into consideration when making these delicious treats, and that's the quality of the ingredients and the power of the blender you are going to be using. Also keep in mind that the quality of the water or juice you use can greatly affect the taste and health of your smoothie too!

Now the first thing to making sure you have the healthiest weight loss breakfast smoothie is to use only organic ingredients so that you can avoid putting nasty toxins and other chemicals into your food. Organic produce also happens to be much tastier and more dense in terms of nutrients per volume, so you are more likely to get the extra fiber and nutrients you need to help keep your body burning fat longer and and more effectively. They also can be purchased affordably by using frozen produce which is often available year round compared to fresh seasonal produce.

Now another important factor to consider is the blender itself, and I like to use high powered blenders made by blendtec or vitamix brands. This is because they provide the highest horsepower motors for there blenders which means the produce gets chopped up a lot better, which makes for a more consistent smoothie. This is not only important for taste, but also for health too because by emulsifying the ingredients you make them more "bio available" or easier to digest, so that your digestive system will absorb more of the nutrients!

A great starter recipe is a strawberry banana weight loss smoothie. The basic recipe is:
-2 cups filtered water
-3-4 fresh strawberries
-1 whole banana in frozen chunks
-1 cup of non fat organic Greek yogurt
-1 tsp of organic ground Stevia for a safe and natural 0 calorie sweetener

Then all you have to do is toss your water into the blender first, then add in your Greek yogurt next. Follow that up with the fresh strawberries and then finally add in your frozen banana chunks and sweetener. Then all you have to do is blend until you get your desired consistency and enjoy!

Visit my smoothie recipes site for more free smoothies!

I also have another smoothie recipe site that has some more yummy smoothie recipes that can help you lose weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_Hendrickson

Seven 'Superfoods' to Help You Lose Weight Fast Have More Energy and Feel Healthier

You don't have to take drastic measures to lose weight. All you need is a little bit of knowledge and the dedication to incorporate these seven 'superfoods' into your diet. The changes to your health and your life will be nothing short of amazing.

Olive Oil: Olive oil has been used for centuries by mankind. It has been shown to help ward off heart attacks and decrease the development of breast tumors.
Berries: In addition to having large doses of potassium and vitamin C, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries etc., are chock full of antioxidants and phytoflavinoids. Just a ½ cup of fresh or frozen berries a day is all you need.
Salmon: Salmon is loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids which helps with memory loss, mood swings and arthritis pain..
Chile Peppers: Peppers are loaded with twice the amount of vitamin C found in citrus fruits, and have a compound called capsaiasin, which has been shown to have heart-healthy anti-inflammatory benefits.
Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate has one of the highest concentrations of magnesium of any food. It also contains tryptophan, and essential serotonin producing amino acid.
Raw Honey: Helps raise anti-oxidant levels and reduces allergies. An effective food, but help your body fight off diseases
Oatmeal: Oatmeal can help you regulate and lower your weight. It make you feel fuller so you eat less, and it has necessary fiber to keep your body functioning at its top level.Adding all of these items to your diet at one time may seem a bit daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Just pick one food and try to incorporate it into your diet for a week or two. Then the next week add another and so on. Before you know it you will be eating healthy, feeling healthy, and have a new outlook on life.

Tim Neumann is the owner of [http://www.holyhabanero.com] and is currently training for his first marathon. Having been as heavy as 295lbs, he knows how hard it can be to lose weight and eat right. Visit his site [http://www.holyhabanero.com] for a realistic, non-nonsense plan on how to lose weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Neumann

Multiple Ways to Lose Weight With a Superfood Raw Health Diet

Want to lose weight without starving yourself and have fun in the process? There is a wide choice available in the form of Superfoods - super to eat and super for your health too! Here are some of the amazing wonder foods that can have an impact on your health as well as your weight. Incan or Golden berries are succulent golden fruits the size of marbles. You can eat them raw, dried or use them as ingredients in jams and desserts. In their dried form, they can be added to cereal or baked goods. On their own, they make a quick and satisfying snack full of nutrients.

These energizing Golden Inca Berries are not only loaded with great nutrients, they also have a mouth-watering taste with their combination of a sweet and tangy flavor. They are chewy and fun to eat. Being rich in protein and vitamins, they are a calorie-wise snack as well and have all the necessary ingredients of a healthy diet. So you can have them anytime to satisfy those pangs of hunger without being afraid of gaining unnecessary weight. A great treat for your body and your palate! Blue-Green Algae have the broadest range of phytonutrients of any known algae, including rare trace elements, biologically active enzymes, amino acids, essential fatty acids, B12, chlorophyll, Phenylethylamine , glycol-proteins, complex sugars, vitamins and minerals which can be easily absorbed in our body due to its soft cell wall. It also contains all eight essential amino acids plus the "semi-essential" amino acids in such a manner that the human body absorbs and metabolizes this super-food at nearly 100% rate! It makes your stomach feel full so that you do not feel hungry all the time. A great way to lose those excess pounds!

Raw Maca - This superfood from South America growing at the highest altitude and belonging to the Radish-Cauliflower family has great health advantages. It contains fatty acids, 20 different amino acids and unique minerals and helps rejuvenate the endocrine system. Raw Cacao Bean - Lots of people, young and old, all over the world love eating chocolate. Imagine eating chocolate to lose weight! Raw Cacao, the ingredient from which all chocolate is made, in its raw natural form, has the highest Vitamin C and antioxidant content.

It is also very rich in minerals, a natural source of magnesium, chromium, iron, copper and zinc. It can be used as a very good mineral supplement. Raw Cacao contains many beneficial ingredients that can change your life. The brain chemicals it has give you a sense of physical as well as emotional well being and leave you feeling really great. Now people who want to watch their weight can eat chocolate too! You can combine Goji berries and Raw Cacao to have a great sugarfree treat and also ensure that your blood sugar level does not drop in the process.

You can have lots of different varieties of food with the different combinations of these amazing superfoods. Raw Maca with Raw Cacoa, Goji berries, Mushroom Cordyceps and Alkaline green formula with Papaya and Mango can be used judiciously to make a delicious weight loss smoothie! You can also incorporate these raw organic foods in a salad with healthy olive oil and have the benefit of great taste, optimum weight and good health. The list of these great superfoods does not end here.

Many more like Marine Phytoplankton, Noni and Aloe Vera provide great benefits too. Superfoods are easily available naturally from plants, easy to eat, nutritious and make us active, alert, energetic, innovative and alive. Losing weight is no more starving or eating tasteless foods. It is just fun with the Superfood raw Health Diet. Now you can have your cake and eat it too!

Get Your Free Ebook On 14 Superfood Secrets Unleashed. Come learn about the greatest selection of superfoods on The Planet. Please visit our site at http://www.superfoodliving.com and learn about Raw Chocolate Cocao Noni, Tibetan Goji Berries, Maca, Marine Phytoplankton, Sacred Heart Chocolate, Incan Berries and more. We offer Retail and wholesale pricing for distributors and customers. We can also show you how to make money and receive your superfoods at a discount by sharing our foods and recipes with others.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_S_Fitzgerald

Superfood Diets - Lose Weight Safely the Fastest Way

Superfood diets are a good option when regular food and diet plans fail. Recent statistics indicate that in spite of all the available diets, 60% of adults are overweight. Why are we failing? Answer: we are not making the right lifestyle choices. A diet is about changing the way you value your body and the way you think about food. You must think of it as a lifestyle change.

Regular dieting is more popular than superfood diets, although there has been a rapid gain in popularity over the past year or so. On average, one in five adults try to lose weight by following a regular diet at least once every two years. However, regular dieting is typically not very effective. Most of us think that by only eating less we can achieve weight loss. Something is missing but it's not food.

The missing keys are exercise and proper supplements

Studies show that only 5 percent of dieters lose weight and maintain their weight loss. Not exactly delivering on the promise that it is supposed to give people a sense of control over their lives. A psychological aspect of dieting is that by controlling your food intake, you feel that you are controlling your body and consequently your life. Unfortunately, that is errant thinking. If you want to lose weight, you must exercise regularly, eat the correct foods, and use supplements.

Superfood supplements provide vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals that may be missing from regular foods. Superfoods may prevent some of the changes that lead to many health disorders such as the growth of prostate cancer, many skin diseases and some forms of lymphoma, hypertension, and some other cancers when included in your regular daily diet.

Superfoods may help you to feel better, extend your lifespan, enjoy a healthy lifestyle and achieve a greater level of fitness.

Learn more about Superfood Diets at Diet And Detox Facts [http://www.acaiberrydietdetox.com/151/superfood-diets-the-fastest-way-to-lose-weight-safely/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edward_Candidate

Be Healthy - Lose Weight With Superfoods

Think about what you eat every day. Do you eat foods packed with vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fiber or do eat fast food for lunch every day, pop a multi-vitamin and call it good? Are you giving your body high quality fuel to create energy, good health and a sound mind? Would you like to avoid so-called "age-related" diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease and arthritis? What you need are superfoods in your daily diet. If you add these superfoods to your daily menus, you could be well on your way to a healthier life.

What are your favorite foods? Are you hooked on fast food? Do you love pizza, greasy fried chicken or french fries? Perhaps you love fat-laden but delicious donuts or maybe you drink five soft drinks every day. All these foods are packed with calories from fat or sugar but contain little to keep your body in top shape.

To increase your health and energy, boost your immunity to illness and disease, and feel mentally and physically alert, begin by substituting just one meal a day at first with foods from this superfood list. As you begin to give your body the proper nutrition, as you get used to having more fruits and veggies and actual whole foods that your body can use, a funny thing happens. Your body begins to crave these things instead of the formerly bad diet you once enjoyed so much. If you crave sugar, you'll find you are more satisfied with a juicy strawberry or orange. If you crave salty chips, you'll find yourself reaching for heart-healthy nuts instead.

Since super foods give your body the nutrition you need, you'll also find yourself being satisfied with less. The fiber in fruits, veggies and nuts also fills you up with less calories. Once you embark on the superfood way of life, the weight will come off without really "dieting" at all.

Superfoods for the journey to good health:

Blueberries - number one on every superfood list but other berries also pack a powerful nutritional punch, one cup is only 60 calories

Beans - help reduce cholesterol, high in fiber, contains antioxidants, folic acid and potassium

Avocado - source of "good" heart-healthy fats, potassium and folate which helps guard against heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure.

nuts - source of fiber and heart healthy fats

salmon-full of omega 3 heart healthy oils that help lower "bad" cholesterol

oats - helps lower cholesterol, contains fiber, B vitamins for a calm attitude

tea-green or black- replace colas and sugary fruit juice with the health antioxident benefits of tea

spirulina-the only whole food with Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), plant food contianing vegetable protein, B-complex, beta carotene, good for health and cleansing.

More Superfoods can be found at http://Path2HeatlhyLiving.com/superfoods.html/

Learn more about what your body needs with mindful eating at http://Path2HeatlhyLiving.com/mindfulness.html/

To find out some great recipes for using superfoods in your diet, go to:

Joan Jones is an award-winning freelance journalist who writes on health and nutrition, home and garden. Joan resides in Arlington, Texas

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan_Jones

Top 10 Superfoods Particularly for Weight Loss

Before I detail out - particularly for weight loss - top 10 superfoods (among many others), let me tell you something. I am in the health and fitness industry for more than 25 years now; such vast experience has made me realize the fact that weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance (overall good health) directly depends on the given four factors that are vital and keep diseases at bay.

* Eat everything - each and every veggie, fruit, fish, dry fruit, meat, poultry, grain, legume, lentil, even oil, butter, cheese, clarified butter, salt, sugar, coffee, tea - all have one or the other health benefit. If you want to eat healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle, it is still not late; BUT you must have knowledge about the benefits.This knowledge is not only for you, but for your future generation also - you have to show them the correct way to a fit and healthy life. Yes, if a person suffers from some major health issue(s), then obviously he or she has to be temporarily careful with what to eat and what not to eat. This is a different story altogether.

* Eat in "moderation" - yes, this is the KEY to a good, nutritious, healthy lifestyle.

* Eat home - cooked food - whenever possible; BUT make sure you cook nutritious food (and not fast/junk food!)

* Say NO to processed food - I know we all are leading busy life and it is not always possible to keep a check on whether we are eating processed or unprocessed food. Still, try to avoid eating processed foods as much as you can - for your own good health to start with.

Well, you must add these top 10 superfoods to your diet, if not daily diet - at least thrice a week - and feel the difference (provided you don't eat junk or empty - calorie foods with superfoods). But of course, you have to give time - don't expect miraculous weight loss overnight!

Top 10 Superfoods to add to Diet for Weight Loss

Yes, you have read it correct; add these nutrition - dense superfoods to your diet ASAP to derive maximum health benefits - especially where weight loss is concerned.

Superfoods #1: Broccolis

This veggie tops my list of superfoods and is included in my daily diet. It is an excellent source of fiber, manganese, vitamin K, vitamin C, and folate. High amount of vitamin C in broccoli acts as an excellent immune booster and folate helps maintain good heart health. The fiber promotes excellent digestive health and helps lower LDL.

Eating broccoli daily helps in reducing inflammation of muscles, especially in people who are very much into sports and gym.

Superfoods #2: Beans (powerhouse of nutrition)

Beans (be it kidney, spherical, white, black, string - whatever) have always been compared to meat in terms of calories and have been considered to be meat substitute. An excellent source of protein, iron, fiber and water, beans help in weight loss in a healthy way. Out of all the types of beans available, white beans steal the show where iron content is concerned - it is very high.

You can either cook beans separately or mix beans with some other foods - either way, it is very healthy.

For that matter, even fresh green beans are good and help in weight loss.

Superfoods #3: Nuts

I have found that most people, who are trying to lose weight, are scared to eat nuts - pistachios, cashew nuts, walnuts and almonds. Nuts have somehow been blamed as that which "adds to bodyweight". It is true if you go overboard with nuts that have 80 per cent fat and very high calorie contentand overeat; it is not true if you eat nuts in moderation.Nuts are powerhouse of protein, vitamins and minerals, and the fat content is to some extent healthy for people with heart disease.

Out of all the nuts available, almonds have the lowest calorie content. Rich in calcium, vitamin E and fiber, almonds improve your skin condition and texture, and helps fight cancer. A daily dose of 6 to 8 almonds is beneficial for good health.

Therefore, if you are scared to eat nuts, leave your fear aside where almonds are concerned.

Superfoods #4: Salmons

Known as a fish with too much fat content, know that this "too much fat" is very healthy as it has very high omega 3 fatty acid content.This fat actually helps in lowering your LDL (by increasing the levels of HDL that helps in removing LDL from the arteries) and heart - related diseases.

Superfoods #5: Spinach

Rich in vitamins C, A and K, in protein and iron and with very calorie, spinach is an excellent veggie that helps in weight loss. Otherwise also, it is very helpful for health, especially for those who suffer from anemia. You can eat it in any form - raw, cooked, soup, salad, whatever way you like - it works wonders.

Superfoods#6: Cabbages

Yet another veggie for people who are on weight loss, it is known to contain vitamins C and K in high quantity, and folate. It helps keep RBCs very healthy. You can eat it in any form - raw, cooked, soup, salad, whatever way you like.

Superfoods #7: Carrots

If you want to boost and improve your immune system and also lose weight, this veggie has enough vitamins B6 and A, and carotene as an excellent healthy food.

Superfoods #8: Blackberries

Known to help in losing weight, the low - calorie blackberries contain vitamins K and C, fiber, and are excellent antioxidants. Blackberries are good breakfast option.

Superfoods #9: Red & White Grapefruits

Yet another fruit (both red and white) known to shed extra weight, red grapefruits contain vitamins C and A, and pantothenic acid. This acid helps the body to transform the macronutrients (carbs, fats and proteins) in great sources of energy.

White grapefruits contain potassium (helps with muscle cramps), vitamin C and folate. Both red and white are excellent breakfast option.

Superfoods #10: Green Tea

My all - time favorite! Excellent to reduce visceral fat round the belly, green tea is a powerhouse of antioxidants and EpiGalloCatechinGallate (EGCG). This EGCG is known to prevent growth of certain cells that cause cancer.

Drink it any time of the day but without adding milk and sugar; my personal suggestion would be not to drink green tea after 7 pm - it may disrupt your sleep.

Start with these top 10 superfoods for weight loss and add to your diet.

To take care of weight loss, simple foods that are easily available in the market, would help. Of course, you must know when to eat them, what should be the quantity and what's the nutrition value of each.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sangeeta_M_Sinha