How to Get a Flat, Tight Stomach? Steps to Get a Toned Stomach

A flat stomach is a hallmark of good health. Most important thing to get a flat stomach is gathering of the right information. Getting a toned stomach is a three-step process.

-Proper diet: Proper diet selection is the first and foremost step to get a toned stomach. You should consume foods rich in fiber. As an appetite suppressant fiber prevents you from eating more. It also cleanses colon and thus helps you in your weight loss mission.
Fruits and vegetables, such as acai berry, apple, banana, aloe vera etc. are popular sources of fiber. You also need metabolism boosting foods.

-Burn fat all over your body:
Doing hundreds of sit-ups, crunches or work out with fancy exercise equipments alone will not deliver you the coveted stomach. Fat is not stored on any particular part of our body. So working on any specific part will not give the desired result.

You need to get rid of the fat all over your body. Start with any cardio exercise: walking, running, jogging, swimming, or cycling. These will increase the heart rate and boost metabolism. Higher metabolic rate burns more calories and eliminate fat.

-Right stomach Exercise: Top abdominal exercises are:

Reverse abdominal crunches
Leg lift

Three common mistakes people commit in the hope of getting toned stomach muscle:

-They try to get it by spot reduction: They try to achieve it overnight by doing only abdominal exercises.
-Fall prey to ab-gimmicks: Advertiser's miracle piece of ab equipments is claimed to be the quick fix solution for getting tight belly muscles. People think this device is sufficient for getting a flat stomach.
-Eat too many calories unknowingly: In the form of potato chips, soda, cold drinks, donuts they consumes a lot of calories.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenny_Banks

Insider Secrets on How to Flatten Stomach Bulge and Get a Toned Sexy Body

Have you always dreamed of showing off that chizzled core or slim sexy figure, but your mirror tells you a different story. Now with a few of these secret tips, you too can discover how to flatten stomach bulge and get that amazing body you have been dreaming about.

TIP #1

Aerobic Exercise - This remains one of the most effective and efficient way to shred any sort of tummy fat and leave you with jaw dropping abs. Aerobic exercise can be in the form of brisk walks, water exercises, jogging, aerobics and much more. For a more effective weight loss, high intensity training programs well burn off the fat and calories in rapid time.

TIP #2

Having a healthy balanced diet remains a critical step when it comes to how to flatten stomach. Beware of eating too many processed foods such as bacon, salami and bologna. Switch to skinless chicken, lean meats and fresh fish. These food tend to have a high protein level to give you the energy when exercising.

Also you must resist the urge to keep snacking on treats such as chocolates, cakes, potato chips etc. Instead it would be more beneficial to have an apple, or banana or any type or fresh fruit or vegetable. An lastly stay away from carbonated beverages.

TIP #3

Do not focus on losing stomach fat alone. Instead you should also be concerned with toning your entire body. You must strengthen you entire body in order to achieve maximum weight loss and body toning. Strengthening of the core muscles which include the lower back, abs and hip flexors will help hold your tummy and give you a flat stomach. Palates are a good exercise in how to flatten stomach and toning of other parts of the body.

Be sure to set aside at least 20 mins a day for aerobic and overall body toning exercises and maintain a healthy diet and you will be well on your way to getting rid of belly fat and having a toned sexy core.

I hope these quick tips on how to flatten stomach bulge was of great value.

For more powerful secrets on how to flatten stomach [http://www.mostamazingabs.com] bulge and achieve a celebrity body Click Here [http://www.mostamazingabs.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kerron_Ali

How To Get A Flat, Toned Stomach

One of the most common fitness questions this time of year is "How can I tone my stomach for swimsuit season"? Typically, people believe that the guaranteed quick route to obtaining a rock-solid six-pack is a path packed with hundreds of sit-ups or abdominal crunches. Wrong!

The reality is that even if you do crunches every day you aren't guaranteed to get the stomach you desire. Getting those highly sought after, toned abs requires more work than just abdominal exercises. Plus, as far as stomach exercises go, sit-ups or crunches alone are not the solution.

We won't go into detail about the muscles that make up the abdominal wall, but it's good to know the basic information. At a high-level the abdominal/trunk area consists of 5 major muscles. It's necessary that all of these muscles be exercised. It's also important to utilize different types of training techniques like concentric, eccentric and isometric.

In addition to training those muscles, it is imperative that you also reduce the fat in your stomach area. If you don't decrease the fat in this area, then you'll never see well-defined abdominal muscles not matter how long and hard you train them.

The key to reducing body fat is a comprehensive workout program that consists of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility exercises. Plus, don't forget a healthy diet. Good examples of cardio exercises are: walking, swimming, aerobics, and jogging. Strength training can be done with dumbbells, resistance bands and even just your own body weight. Flexibility can be as simple as a few stretches held in place for about 20 seconds.

Now, back to the specifics of abdominal training. Traditional crunches can be a part of your abdominal training, but should be limited and certainly shouldn't be the only part. To most effectively work your stomach area, it's necessary to include about 80% rotational work. Rotational exercises are those that include twisting-type methods. Simple crunches do not fall into the rotational category because you simply lift your body straight up and down.

To most effectively train your abs, incorporate a lot of variety, including different positions and equipment. This will allow your muscles to continually be challenged, which is what will help make them stronger and more defined. Remember that you don't have to lie on your back in the supine position to work your stomach area. There are hundreds of different ways to work them, including exercises in a standing position, on your side, raised on a ball, hanging from a bar, etc.

Don't forget the importance of form. If you don't use correct form when performing abdominal exercises, you'll severely limit the effectiveness not to mention possibly cause an injury. Tips for correct form include:

Don't ever pull on your neck or head
Don't allow your legs to move, they should remain still -- let your abs do all the work
Try to keep your belly button pulled in toward the floor throughout the entire move.

To get you started, below are a few sample exercises* with instructions. Start working out today, and you can show-off your toned abs in time for summer.

Basic Crunch: Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands lightly behind your head for support. Using your abdominal muscles lift your shoulders a few inches off the ground, pause briefly and return to start position. Complete at least one set of 10-12 reps.

Standing Towel Circle: Stand tall and hold a small towel (or resistance band) taut overhead. Contract abs and slowly draw a large, wide circle over your head and around your torso with your hands. Keep towel pulled taut throughout. Return to beginning position and reverse the circular direction. Complete at least one set of 8-10 reps in each direction.

Oblique Twist With Ball: Begin by sitting on the ball. Walk feet forward until ball is resting under your back -- body is now parallel to the floor. Place hands lightly behind head for support. Using your abdominal muscles slowly crunch up lifting your shoulder blades off of the ball and rotate left shoulder toward right hip. Return to starting parallel position and repeat then switch sides.

For access to a huge library of exercises demonstrations (including demos for the above exercises), visit: http://www.workoutsforyou.com

*You should always consult your physician before trying any new exercise programs.

Lynn Bode, author and certified personal trainer, offers her services online through WorkoutsForYou.com. Workouts For You delivers affordable weekly exercise programs to help even the busiest of people lose weight, tone-up, build muscles, increase stamina and more via the Internet. Let us guide you one-on-one through your fitness journey. Visit us online for a free sample workout.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lynn_Bode

3 Brutally Effective Rules to Get Six Pack Abs Quick, Burn Belly Fat and Be Fantastic!

Like it or not, sitting at home on the floor doing crunches all day long will not yield the six pack stomach that you want so desperately. It is hard work getting the ripped, toned stomach that we all want so badly, but there are wrong ways to go about it. Just like anything, there are many right ways, but a few general rules that everybody must follow. Here are these rules (exercises):

The first rule is you must pay attention to your eating.

I say eating because diet sounds like it is temporary. If you are serious about getting abs and want the hot, toned body that bad, you will not believe me. You will go out and try every other pill, gadget, magazine, and all that jazz. You will fail desperately and then come back to see me. Your diet is the biggest hurdle in getting the body you want. Even Bruce Lee is acknowledged to have said this.

The second rule is you must put your mind to your workouts.

If you read a magazine and chew gum and casually walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes before packing up to go home, you are sorely mistaken that you will achieve anything but a mind filled with glamor gossip from Hollywood.

You need to put all your intensity, mental power and focus into your workouts. Your workouts will be about an hour long, 3, 4, 5 times a week. Surely you can just focus on your workouts for that pittance of time you are giving back to your health and self?

The third rule is that you must do some lifting if you want a real toned, lean body.

You can run and swim and cycle all you want, but girls and guys get that sexy toned, lean physique from lifting weights. Not massive bar bending weights, just what you can handle at your point in your journey.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just finished my brand new course that uncovers the secrets to fat loss, muscle building and getting a six pack.

Download it free here: How To Get Abs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Johnny_Palmer

Quick Fat Burning Cardio Exercises

Most of us do not have a lot of time during our day to fit in any extra activities. Unfortunately, exercise is an activity many people put on the back burner. The most common excuse is a lack of time. Yet, we still manage to fit in activities that we find fun. If there was a way to make exercise fun, challenging, as well as short, I'm sure more people would make the time to do it. The good news is, there is exercise that is fun and provides a full-body workout in under an hour. Best of all, it also burns fat better than most other exercises that you can do.

Quick Fat Burning

What I'm referring to is called interval training. It is also referred to as HIIT (high intensity interval training.) What makes this so effective is because unlike boring, steady-state cardio, you use your own body weight to build muscle. Muscle is the main ingredient in burning fat. The more we have, the more we can burn. The exercises that you can do include basic ones like:

jumping jacks
mountain climbers
sprintingWhen you combine several of these exercises into sets, performing 12 to 15 reps each, and then resting in between sets - you have interval training. Benefits include:

full body workouts
shorter workouts
increased fat burn
tons of exercises to do
challenges the body
builds muscle
great cardio workout
workout at home, outdoors, or the gymYou are not limited to just your body weight either. You can also incorporate free-weights like dumbbells for an added challenge. Treadmills, ellipticals, or other cardio machines can also be used to perform HIIT. For example, on a treadmill you could warm-up, run as fast as you can for 30 seconds to a minute, then walk at a moderate pace for 5 minutes. Repeat for as many sets as you like.

Since your routines can always be different, your body doesn't have time to adapt. When our bodies become accustomed to the same exercise for long periods of time, the challenge is gone and progress slows. Interval training removes that issue. Another common issue with steady-state cardio is the increased risk of muscle loss. Our goal should be to develop more muscle. Intervals decrease the risk of muscle loss.

This method of exercising can be considered advanced if you have not worked out in a long period of time. It's always best to get advice from your health care provider before starting a new workout program as well as working your way up to more advance routines.

How would you like to see results in just 60 days? The Insanity workout program [http://whole9fitness.com/insanity-workout-program/] takes interval training and turns it upside down. Find out how these quick cardio routines can help you achieve the ultimate fat burn: [http://whole9fitness.com/insanity-workout-program/]

Eartha Haines is an Independent Beachbody Coach and helps others reach their fitness goals as well as starting their own home based fitness business.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eartha_Haines

The Best Foods to Help Lose Weight Fast - Fat Burning Foods That Makes Weight Loss Quick & Easy

Weight loss is an important part of many people's lives. So it comes as no surprise that people interested in weight loss want to know how they can lose weight faster.

Believe it or not, but there are some foods you can eat that will increase your metabolism, reduce your appetite, and allow you to lose weight faster. The best foods to help lose weight faster are foods high in fiber.

High fiber foods will do two things to accelerate your weight loss goals. They will allow you to eat less but feel full, and they will also stop you from getting bloated by regulating your digestion.

Look to eat high fiber foods such as green leafy vegetables, which are low in calories. Other good fiber foods to lose weight fast are oatmeal, lentils, and apples.

When trying to accelerate your weight loss through eating the right foods, you have to focus on eating protein foods. Protein is a crucial component when it comes to losing weight because your body will work harder to digest proteins.

Moreover, you will burn extra calories and increase your metabolism by consuming proteins. You should know that there are some proteins like salmon that contain omega-3 fatty acids which can help you lose even more weight faster.

This is due to the fact that omega-3 fatty acids will lower the amount of leptin in your body, which is a hormone that can make the difference between a fast burning metabolism and a slow one. The less leptin you have in your body the more your body will burn fat faster.

Some of the best lean protein foods to lose weight fast include chicken, turkey, eggs, soy, and low-fat dairy products. By eating the right foods that puts your metabolism in a fat burning state, you'll have a hard time not reaching your weight loss goals.

If you want to drop 22 pounds in the next month then check out the best Fat Loss Diets that can help you to do so and keep off the weight long term. Click Here and learn how to lose fat from your waistline and start looking good in the mirror.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Vanderbilt

Quick Fat-Burners For The Busy Working Woman Over 50

If you are a woman over the age of 50 you may be finding weight loss challenging. If you also work outside of the home, then your busy schedule may be pushing healthy eating and exercise down on your list of priorities. No worries, this article shares some quick fat-burning tricks you can incorporate into your schedule that do not require extra time.

Women over 50 experience a shift in hormones. This shift causes a change in the way the body lays down fat making it easier for your body to store fat in your belly. This can be a frustrating challenge for a woman that requires a shift in how you go about eating and exercising.

The first thing a woman can do to burn more calories during the day is lower her carbohydrate intake. This does not have to be a drastic change, but it will help your body burn more fat and store less in your belly.

As you age your body is more likely to convert carbohydrates to fat, rather than burn them for energy. By obeying this change in the body you can speed fat burning by reducing your carbohydrate intake by 200 to 300 calories a day and replacing those calories with protein.

While carbs are easy for your body to convert to fat, proteins are not. The additional work your body must go through to process protein gives your metabolism a daily boost. Try having and egg or cottage cheese for breakfast, instead of toast and you will save yourself 100 carb calories.

Another quick fat-burner for women over 50 is to focus on "one-ingredient" foods. One ingredient foods are foods that are not combined with other ingredients or processed. This would include whole pieces of fruits, chicken breasts, fish, sweet potatoes, vegetables, and so on.

Processed foods add ingredients that can stop your body from burning fat. If you are eating a lot of processed foods that come in a box or ready-to-eat, then you are making it hard for your body to burn fat.

One more simple way to burn more fat during your busy day is to eat high-fiber foods with any carbohydrate. Carbohydrates, especially those that are simple sugars cause a spike in insulin levels. When insulin is high your body shuts down fat-burning and finds it easier to lay down fat, especially in your abdomen.

Eating high-fiber foods with carbs slows the release of insulin allowing your body to stay in the fat-burning zone. This is simple to do and may be as easy as having a medium size salad with lunch and dinner.

Losing the weight is possible for working women over 50 but there are things you must do.

Get the complete picture of How to Burn Fat in my Free Report "How to Keep Your Body in a Fat Burning State 24/7".

Are you looking for motivation? Discover the goals of other women over 50 and see how your goals stack up to theirs. I guarantee their inspiring stories will give you the motivation to reach your weight loss goal!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Becky_Gillaspy