Foods to Get a Six Pack - 3 Breakfast Super Foods Which Burn Belly Fat and Build Six Pack Abs

If you're serious about building six pack abs then your breakfast is the most important meal of the day because your body has been recovering in sleep and is starved of energy so first thing in the morning it's your opportunity to feed your body some much needed great foods which will kick start your metabolism.


This an ideal breakfast for first thing in the morning because it contains lots of good carbohydrates which will release energy over a longer period of time. It also contains a lot of protein and fibre which will keep you feeling fuller for longer. Porridge/Oats also contain essential vitamins and minerals, so if your trying to build your six pack abs porridge/oats is one of the best options you can eat first thing in the morning.


Grapefruit is another citrus fruit which gets ignored a lot, but it shouldn't because the nutrients that they contain are absolutely fantastic especially if you are trying to get red of stubborn belly fat and build six pack abs. Grapefruits are rich in lycopene and Limonoids which help to prevent things like tumors and cancer, they are very hard to find in other fruit and vegetables but you get plenty in grapefruits. They also help with the digestion of your food and after a big meal can be a wise choice to help digest your food faster because of their acidic properties. So, a great option for your breakfast especially if your looking to lose body fat or lose weight in general.

Scrambled Egg

Eggs are a great source of protein and what better way to start your day with a round of eggs. There is however a certain way to make your scrambled egg. Firstly NEVER use milk when making your eggs in the morning, just mix your eggs up as they are using the egg white and the yolk. The yolks are fine to eat, its been well documented that eating the yolks of eggs is perfectly healthy as that is really where most of the goodness is anyway. You can eat boiled eggs by all means there just as good but scrambled egg is also another super breakfast option that you can choose to eat.

So you now know 3 great super breakfast foods to eat. Another little tip though, I often have a small bowl of porridge with some nuts and berries on top to give it an extra bit of taste. It's delicious, try it.

Are you trying to build six pack abs?

Then head over to www.RippedSixPackAbs.org [http://www.RippedSixPackAbs.org] to get your FREE Report where you will learn the secrets of how to get rid of stubborn belly fat and build six pack abs [http://www.RippedSixPackAbs.org]!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Stephen_Nicholls

Top Fat-Burning Diet Foods to Lose Weight Revealed!

Are you interested to find out the secret of successful weight loss programs? At last, the top fat-burning diet foods to lose weight are revealed in this article. Read on to find out now so you can become one of those lucky fellows who can reap the utmost benefits of these foods.

There are hundreds of dietary supplements and programs to help us burn those calories away. Compared to previous generations, more people today have health problems so there are also more people who are looking for the best calorie-burners. At last! The top fat-burning diet foods to lose weight are revealed in this article so do not worry too much and just read and relax. Below are the keys that are the secret to your victory in your health battle.

1. Mixed vegetables - With the All-You-Can-Eat Vegetable Soup Diet, you have the option to eat as much as you can and as many times in a day because vegetables are sure to burn those calories away. Just make sure that you do not put too much salt in your soup because salt is not good for your health. You can even combine two or more vegetables or just focus on a single vegetable. Suit your taste.

2. Cabbage - This particular vegetable is an excellent choice for health-conscious people. It is satisfying and healthy, so most people love making cabbage soup. With just one cup of this soup a day, you will not feel as hungry as you used to. You can also put in some carrots, green peas, corn, or any other healthy ingredient in your soup to suit your appetite.

3. Hot Taco Soup - This is a great choice for people of all ages because it has peppers, tomatoes, and protein sources like mince or beef. It is delicious and a proven fat-burner.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Faviano_Torres

Are Cranberries a Low Carb Fruit?

It's a simple enough question, but the answer can be elusive, especially because it depends on what kind of cranberries we're talking about: fresh, juiced or dried.

Fresh Cranberries

If we're talking about 100g of ordinary, raw cranberries, the carbohydrate figures according to wikipedia are as follows: dietary fibre = 4.6g; total sugars = 4.04. These figures might confuse some of us however, because as low carb dieters we are advised to subtract dietary fiber from total carbohydrates to calculate "net carbs" which is the figure we really care about (dietary fiber is a carbohydrate, but it is not digested so doesn't contribute to raising blood sugar levels).

As wikipedia lists only total sugars and not total carbohydrates, its necessary to check another reputable source to see if they list total carbs. The calorie counter at about.com gives us the following numbers for 1 cup (95g) of cranberries: dietary fiber = 4.4g; sugars = 3.8g; total carbohydrates = 11.6g. Subtracting the fiber from the total gives us 7.2g net carbs, which is low enough for us to conclude that cranberries are a low carb fruit. So far so good, except that we hardly ever eat cranberries raw, we are more likely to drink their juice or eat them dried.

Cranberry Juice

If we're talking about 95g of cranberry juice, these figures from the National Agricultural Library should be interesting: dietary fiber = 0.1g; sugars = 11.49g; total carbohydrates = 11.59g, giving us net carbs of 11.49g (11.59 - 0.1). In other words, gram for gram, cranberry juice contains 1.5 times as many net carbs as raw cranberries. But how often would we drink just 95g of juice?

A typical cup holds 253g of liquid. Using a cup as our new unit of measurement gives us 7.2g net carbs for raw cranberries and a whopping 30.57g net carbs for cranberry juice! Although fundamentally cranberries are a low carb fruit, when you consider how many cranberries must be used to produce a single glass of juice, and the fact that most of the fiber is removed, its easy to see how concentrated the sugar content would be.

Now if that's not bad enough, most cranberry juice has extra sugar added to it because the pure stuff is simply too sour for most people's tastes. So unless it's a specially processed cranberry juice made with artificial sweetener, you're probably best to avoid cranberry juice on a low carb diet.


Finally, let's consider dried cranberries, popularly known as "craisins". Unfortunately, most commercially available craisins are loaded with sugar for the same reason cranberry juices are - plain dried cranberries are too sour for most people. The exact net carb count for a cup of dried craisins would depend on the brand because each producer has its own production process, but suffice it to say that unless they are artificially sweetened, dried cranberries are not low carb fruit.

If you're lucky enough to get a hold of dried unsweetened cranberries, the net carb count on a gram for gram basis will still be higher than for fresh ones simply because they are smaller, so you can fit more of them into 95g than you can the raw fruit.

So are cranberries a low carb fruit? In theory yes, but in practice, the answer is often no.

Campbell Smith is an Internet Marketer from New Zealand. He is interested in health and fitness, especially the way different diets affect our minds and bodies.

Low Carb Diet Food [http://www.lowcarbdietfood.org/] National Agricultural Library

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Campbell_Smith

Top 5 Tips on How to Stick To a Low Carb Diet

Are you among those dieters that find it difficult to stick to a diet?

It's just human nature that if a diet strictly restricts you to eat certain kind of food, you want to eat it even more. But if you keep in mind that a low carbohydrate diet allows some carbohydrates, it would be easier for you to stick to it.

Read on to know more on how to stick to a low carbohydrate diet:

Avoid the Temptation to Eat Carbohydrates: Clean up your kitchen cabinets and remove all the carb products to make your low carb diet a success. Throw or give away those potato chips, oily snacks, bread, pasta, rice, flour and sugar products because it is much better to keep away from the temptation than to try to resist every time you see a carb product.

Replace High Carb Food Items With Low Carb Ones: After cleaning up your kitchen cabinets, make sure to replace the high carb products with the low carbohydrate ones. Keep various varieties of fruits, green vegetables and lettuce and keep in mind that a low carbohydrate diet is not a zero carb diet.

Add Variety to Your Life: A diet does not mean that you minus all the good things of life and choose a dull, tasteless and unexciting meal. Instead, try new low carbohydrate recipes; prepare new dishes in different ways. Variety not just excites your tongue but also makes you feel happy and positive about your diet plan.

Do Not Give Up: So, you could not resist the delicious smell of pasta and cheated on your diet. Do not feel guilty and do not give up on your low carb diet. Instead, continue the diet again next day. A lot of dieters give up if they tend to break the diet plan ones, thinking that it will never work for them. Make sure to continue the plan until you have achieved your goal.

Prepare Yourself: Keep the snacks on hand so that you can easily grab them when you are hungry. Boil some eggs, shell them and refrigerate. Keep healthy and low carb snack in hand. Bring every food that is allowed in the diet so that you will see only the kind of food you can eat whenever you feel hungry.

Peoples-Health.com is your online health guide and fitness instructor that provides various health articles and dieting tips on different topics such as low carb diet plan so that you can get expert instructions online. Visit site to walk one step further to a healthy living.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amit_Kothiyaal

Are You a Low Carb Fitness Freak ?

Back in 1992 the food pyramid was introduced and then in 2005 it was updated. This became the bench mark that was to be followed and advised for nutritional health. Maybe the intentions were good but both pyramids are greatly flawed and misconceptions were formed. The 1992 pyramid encouraged low fat and high carbohydrates. To greatly summarize, what happened is that saturated fat was linked to the risk of heart disease and other ailments, the pyramid therefore instructed us to reduce the fat in our diet. With that preface it could not then promote a high protein diet as red meat contains a lot of saturated fat. It had just told us that Fat was bad and protein, especially red met, has fat in it so it too must be "Bad" .... What was left ? Fat was bad and by default Protein was therefore bad, that left us with only carbohydrates, so by elimination alone carbohydrates became "Good" The 1992 pyramid failed to distinguish between good fats and bad fats and it did not consider the different sources of protein. We know red meat can contain a lot of saturated fat, we also know that poultry does not and fish is indeed a rich source of the good fats.

So for many years we did the low fat, high carb diet. The food industry kicked in with all their "low Fat" foods which were actually low in fat but loaded with sugars and sweeteners. Years went by and everyone just got larger and larger. In one of the most expensive studies ever (Womens Health Initiative) two groups of women were studied over an 8 year period. One group ate a low fat diet the other group ate a regular diet, the results showed absolutely no difference in health. Another study looked at low fat diets and found that weight was lost initially but after only one month the weight had been regained and that over the course of one year there was no weight loss benefit at all to following a low fat diet So the low fat way was not working and then we hear that the high carb diets that we have been following actually are linked to increased blood triglycerides and LDL (bad cholesterol) and lowered HDL (good cholesterol) Carbohydrates were looked at even more closely and we found the insulin relationship and that high carb diets along with low activity levels had huge consequences, obesity was sky rocketing and those people who cut the carbs were thrilled by the immediate weight loss they experienced..

The results we experienced did not last but the fear of carbs is still very real and justifiably so. My point here is that just as the food pyramid of 1992 was skewed by telling only one side of the story when it promoted low fat and so promoted high carb, then what is happening here is that we are expected to sit on one side of the fence or the other - carbs are bad or carbs are good, but this too is very skewed. How then do we incorporate quality carbs without increasing out calorie load? This can be done if we change the way we formulate our diet plan. Many diets of recent years work in term of percentages. 40/40/20 was very popular and actually for mainstream it is still a very good approach. 40/40/20 told us that on a given number of calories we would consume 40% of them from protein, 40% of them from Carbohydrates and 20% from fat.. There are many other combinations, like the Mediterranean diet that can be up to 40% fat, but the fats are all good fats mainly coming from olive oil. I do like this approach as it considers the source of the food and not just the macronutrient group that food falls into.

The problem here lies in that this can all be very misleading. Consider the 70kg (150lb) muscular athlete who trains heavy and has very high energy requirements. Say he eats 4000 calories per day and 50% of them are from carbs (as is recommended by most professional health organizations in the US) then he is eating 2000 calories from carbs which amounts to 500 grms of carbs (1grm of carbohydrates = 4 calories) which in turn translates to 7-8 grms for a 70kg athlete (154 lb athlete). This range is ideal and allows the athlete to maintain the glycogen stores necessary for his activity.

Now consider a 55 kg athlete (121 lb) who eats less than 2000 calories per day. Even if they eat 50% of their calories from carbs that only equates to 1000 calories, or 250 grms of carbohydrates which equals 4.5 grms per kilogram of bodyweight and may not be sufficient to allow for optimal performance in their sport.

For the high intensity athlete we must first consider as a priority the carbohydrate requirements for their training. As I mentioned it does not mean that the carb load has to be maintained every day, but it should be available for the days that performance is necessary. It may mean to those that seek to lose and/or maintain their weight that their ratios of protein, fat and carbs may be different on different training days, but if performance is the priority then this extra consideration is necessary.

The food you consume should be spaced out throughout the day and should be from natural sources with little to no processed foods. For the inactive person who seeks to reduce their extra weight I would have to tell them that diet alone is really not enough. To simply reduce calories does not address the metabolic benefits of exercise and they are missing out on the endorphin, mood altering, feel good by products of exercise. I would like to believe that everybody likes something that is "exercise" it may not be weight training or running, it may be dancing or hiking or just walking the dog, but I really do like to think that there is something for everybody you just may have to try a few things to find the one that best suits you. For those who are just too tired or unmotivated to workout I would have to guess that this too is a result of their poor diet. The highs and lows of a high sugar diet leaves a person with little energy, the weight they gain just compounds the problem as any exercise becomes just plain difficult and tiring to do. The starting point here would be to clean up the diet, get rid of the sugar and processed foods and start with exercise baby steps. Energy levels will be regained, exercise will become less of a burden and it may even become fun! I see it over and over again, confirmed coach potatoes become exercise junkies, the high they get is something that have not felt before and they become hooked. These people are not the exception to the rule, one thing they all have in common is that they clean up their diets, not many exercise junkies eat junk.

If for some reason a person is forced to be sedentary then I would advise a relatively low carbohydrate diet with small meals eaten throughout the day. In actuality research has shown us that small frequent meals compared to few large meals make no difference when we looked at weight loss. The overall calories seemed to be the key. That being said I would still advise small frequent meals as the larger less frequent meal plan can create a greater insulin reaction and this would cause a drop in blood sugar which might then start a bout of cravings. The smaller meals will not cause such a spike and the cravings can for the most part be avoided.

For those of us who train in some form or another and at a substantial intensity level I would say that quality carbs are your friend. I would however say that carbohydrates are your fuel and should be timed in a way as to aid performance. When at rest muscle only accounts for 20% of the carbohydrate uptake, the CNS (central nervous system) is the main user at times that your body is at rest. So if we are not replenishing muscular glycogen stores then the carb intake of a meal can be reduced and the source of the quality carbs should come from more fibrous sources such as vegetables. On days when you are not training you can bring your carbohydrates down but when you are looking at a day of intense training and/or competition then fuel the body for performance using fruits and whole grains. Include them in your meals up until your training and replenish the reduced glycogen stores after training, but for the meals after that cut the carbs back because at rest it is not your muscles soaking up that good stuff up.


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Joanne Lee Los Angeles Conditioning Coach. Online Interactive Nutrition & Exercise program Corporate speaker Wellness Programs Nutrition Weight Loss and Diet Presentations

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joanne_Lee

Low Carb Recipes For You and Me

If you are a working man or woman on a low carb diet, meal times often pose a big challenge, especially lunch. On a busy workday, how on earth will you find time to go to a low carb restaurant or cook two special meals?

Low carb diets are based on the principle that a diet low in carbohydrates leads to decreased production of body's insulin, resulting in consumption of fat stores as energy source. So the easiest and greasiest options - fast food such as burgers, fries and sodas -- are a definite no-no. Low carb dieters like us often end up confused about what to eat when hunger pangs strike and end up giving in to carb cravings. To avoid these speed bumps and the ensuing guilt pangs, the best option is to plan your meals by learning about low carb recipes.


The idea is to plan, prepare and portion your small carb meals ahead of time so that you are not starving without any adequate food around. Most of us really don't have the time to cook separate meals, but you can always cook an extra serving or two during dinner and pack a low carb lunch the next day from the leftovers.

For example, chicken can be boiled, grilled or barbecued over the weekend to make a variety of meals such as chicken salad, wraps, stir fry with veggies etc. The same goes for fish and egg.

Let your imagination run wild! Use toppings, garnishes and olive oil to spice up your meals. Low carb does not mean eating bland food. You can eat pizzas too by using vegetable toppings and cheese on a small-carb thin crust!

Join a club

Low carb clubs or support groups are also a great way to meet like minded people and get some ideas for meal plans. You can swap recipes, discuss your diet plans and trade information about stores which sell small-carb snacks at the monthly meetings.

Raid the library

Do not forget the humble local library as a resource for free low carb recipes. Most libraries allow you to borrow a book for at least a month, so you have plenty of time for trial and error to figure out the best low carb recipes for you.

Google it

Thanks to the popularity of the Atkins Diet and scores of small carb enthusiasts, there are thousands of small carb recipes also available on the internet. Just key in the right search terms and explore! Many recipe sites offer a chance for members to rate recipes and comment. Do read the ratings to see which recipes taste best and suits your needs. These are given by people who have tried and tested these delicacies, saving work for you! Reading the comments is also helpful as they may offer tips and ideas for making the recipe even better.

You can check out our and browse through a wide variety of low carb snacks, desserts and sugar-free drinks which can be used to prepare or supplement your low-carb meals and mocktails.

I am a health food promoter, a fitness enthusiast and a sworn disciple of healthy living. And what better way to share my thoughts and advice on natural health than on my blog? I want to talk to you, my anonymous friends and readers, about ways to become healthy, stay healthy and feel fabulous every single day! I truly believe that when good health comes, wealth and prosperity follows.

Laurel Health Foods

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Curtis_Price

Number 1 Best Solution to Lose Weight Naturally in 10 Days

Finding your way through the dark and getting to a place where there is nothing but light is a very fulfilling experience. Notice the use of the word experience instead of ending. When you are trying to accomplish something once you are there it's not as special as what you had to go through to get there. It is all about the journey to your success. And in this article I will explain to you on how to find a solution for your weight loss. There are many ways to lose weight but the primary ways are going to be mentioned below for your help. To keep up with all the weight loss material, I have provided below a free losing weight guide so that you do not get lost.

Let's begin with how you should start becoming more active to achieve your fat loss. In the opening stages you should start out a bit slower then what you will actually be doing. The saying slow and steady wins the race was not made by an idiot. Keep yourself in a steady routine by starting to wake up at least thirty minutes or so earlier than you normally do. In these extra thirty minutes you need to start your cardio training by doing a walk or run around your neighborhood. The reason I suggest doing this in the mornings is because that is the part of the day when it is most serene and calming. There is nothing like the feeling of a morning run.

Furthermore, your dieting habits will play a big role on how well you execute the weight loss solution. Remember the light at the end of the tunnel isn't going to be seen just by working out or exercising. You are going to have to put forth the effort and discipline required to maintain a hale and hearty diet. Rule of thumb is, when trying to lose weight, that you need to stay away from a big amount of calories on a daily basis. And this should go without saying but I will mention it anyways, stay away from all the fatty foods.

You now know that you need a few basic tools under your belt to get past the tunnel and out in to the sunshine. It's not going to be hard at all if you keep chipping away and stay consistent with your foods and exercises. You will also want to take a look at the extra material given below for a great new outlook on this whole process.

If you are like me, who doesn't have time and patience to lose weight through exercise and dieting then the only other natural and healthy option to lose weight fast is through 100% natural weight loss remedies.

Same foods and natural remedies that tribal Indians and our ancestors used to live obesity free and healthy life. These natural weight loss remedies are scientifically proven and are the only way to lose weight fast. You can get these natural remedies absolutely free until Monday by clicking HERE [http://www.thefreeweightlossebook.com/]! Get your free copy of ultimate weight loss secrets now.

I lost 6 pounds within a week using 5th diet/remedy mentioned in Ultimate Weight Loss Secrets [http://www.thefreeweightlossebook.com/]. In total I lost 38 pounds in less than 3 months using some of the secrets mentioned in that report. Get your copy free, before its too late and achieve your weight loss goal within matter of days. Good luck!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_Leven

Get Ripped Six Pack Lower Abs Now

Men are a lot luckier when it comes to losing weight and getting in shape than women are. Men are able to lose 10 pounds in a week and start getting toned immediately. Even though they are machines at weight loss and getting on track to having a perfect body, most men would agree their lower abs are a trouble spot.

A man distributes fat throughout his stomach so this is why it is a lot harder for a man to get those sexy lines that drive women wild. He could run for hours and hours on the treadmill but that pouch of fat preventing him from having strong six pack lower abs is enough to make him give up. It's very discouraging.

There are a lot of exercises to build those lower abdomen muscles but they are so hard to do. No man wants to spend hours in the gym doing leg lifts or other lower ab workouts that are tough on the body and very time consuming. Since these men were able to get the rest of their stomach looking great, they assume that the lower abs will come with time, but it will take longer than expected. Your stomach might not be in top shape for summer so you need a solution now.

The men at the beach or on TV with sexy six pack lower abs know the secret and the proper way to completing a six pack. They know the right workouts and tips to get those strong lower abs that women can't take their eyes off of.

No one wants to wait to see results on their body and neither do you. It's about time that you shed those extra few pounds and revealed the sexy abs underneath. If you want to get started on building a ripped six pack or toning those lower abs visit this helpful site [http://www.meltstomachfat.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_Dean

Discover The Secret to Get 6 Pack Abs And Lose Belly Fat Fast

Different people have different fitness goals. However, getting 6 pack abs and losing belly fat fast is a common goal across all ages and genders. Everyone knows that the key to get six pack abs is to burn fat and build muscle. However, despite this, people fail to achieve the sexy, washboard look.

When I ask what the possible reasons are for it, many tell me that they are either eating the wrong foods or doing the wrong ab workouts. While the diet and workout is to be blamed, the main reason people fail to get the perfect six pack is because they don't in the first place understand what needs to be done.

What is a six pack and how do you achieve it?

We harp about creating a six pack. The truth is that those chiclet-styled muscles, also called the rectus abdominis muscle, are already present in the abdominal region along the front of your tummy. When it is invisible, it is overshadowed by the layer of fat sitting above it. Thus, what you're actually doing when you say you are trying to get a six pack is that you are only uncovering and toning it. Therefore, achieving a six pack involves lowering your body fat percentage by losing weight.

And, how can you reduce body fat percentage?

It is simple provided you follow each step diligently.

1. Create a calorie deficit:

The body has a certain calorie requirement in order to go about its daily activities and to maintain healthy weight. The caloric requirement is influenced by various factors such as your age, your height, your weight and the amount of activity you undertake. This is the amount of calories your body burns daily. If you consume more calories that your body burns, the excess amount is stored in the form of fat to provide energy when food is not available.

A calorie deficit is when you eat less than the amount your body burns. In such an event, the body tries to get its energy from the existing fatty deposits and burns them in the bargain. This automatically trims the body fat percentage.

2. Spot reduction won't help:

The first question many will ask is what spot reduction is. It is the practice of doing a particular exercise to target a particular muscle group. Thus, if you are looking at an ab workout, it involves doing endless reps of crunches. The reason spot reduction does not work is because it only trains the muscles in the targeted area, but does help much when it comes to burning the fat sitting there.

We do not deny the effectiveness of crunches, squats, planks and dumbbell fly. Ab workouts make your abs stronger, bigger and well-developed. However, the ab workout must also be supplemented with cardio and weight training exercises. Cardio helps burn fat by elevating the heart rate and boosting metabolism. Weight training on the other hand, works towards building muscles. Also, the ab workout exercises should train the upper and lower abs and the obliques.

This is how you should work to lose weight and build your six pack ab. Follow these tips and achieving the 6 pack will be a breeze.

For more information on how to get a six pack ab and lose belly fat, click the following link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_Addai

Six Pack Abs Fast - Some Great Secrets To Getting A Great Six Pack Fast!

While some people think it takes years to get a great six pack, the truth is that you can get a great six pack much faster with the right nutrition, the right exercises and the right tools! Today, our bodybuilding experts are going to give you some great secrets to getting a great six pack fast!

Focus On All Parts Of Your Abs

One of the most important parts to getting a great six pack is to focus on all parts of your abs with your exercises. You want to focus on your upper abs, your lower abs as well as your obliques. In order to do this it's really important to incorporate a large variety of exercises into your workout and utilize them all together in order to really maximize your results.

Leg raises, crunches and sit ups, crunches and sit ups on a decline, as well as side crunches can really help you when getting a great six pack!


Of course one of the major keys to getting a great six pack is nutrition. By having great nutiriton, you can really speed up the process and get great results much faster. Eating foods that are low in fat as well as high in vitamins and minerals can really help you get a great six pack much faster.

When it comes to carbs, it's best to focus on eating foods that offer complex carbs rather than simple carbs, as your body will have a much better and easier time turning these complex carbs into energy which is a huge benefit for you!

Distance Running

Distance running can help you to get an incredible six pack or even eight pack faster by helping you to shred fat, helping with great cardio and of course by getting you in better shape overall. Distance running is great to incorporate into your workout and your routine, it can really make a big difference in a variety of ways and augment the effectiveness of your program in combination with the other steps listed here!

Sprinting And Hill Sprints

Sprinting and hill sprints can help you to get a six pack or eight pack much faster for a variety of reasons. They help you to shred fat but it's much more than that, they increase the body's natural metabolism, which helps you to get a great six pack or eight pack even when you're not in the gym and you're not working out or running!

Now listen carefully, visit the #1 source for all your BodyBuilding Needs. This amazing Bodybuilding Website [http://GainMuscleTonight.info] has incredible resources, articles, many products including great preworkouts, vitamins, supplements, workouts, exercise videos and much more to help you gain muscle very fast! Click Here [http://GainMuscleTonight.info] - To visit one of the best BodyBuilding Resources in the world!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aiden_Snider

The Best Lower Ab Workout Secrets to Success on the Planet!

So do you really want to know what the secret to success to gaining the best lower ab workout really is? The secret is to intake your carbohydrates after you workout, not before. Pure and simple, short and sweet.

If you really want a drooling lower abdominal set of six pack abs, you are going to have to concentrate on your diet. Have you ever heard one say, you are what you eat? Well, it is the same thing with the best lower abs you have ever seen. It really does start in the kitchen or in the fast food line. If your diet isn't what it should be, your lower abs will reveal what you eat.

So, what should you eat? Start with enough protein to build muscle. Protein is called a building block for building the muscle tissue that you need when you are working out. Protein also allows you to feel like you are full, instead of starving all of the time. The other wonderful thing about protein is that your body will naturally expend more energy to break it down thus using more calories than it would fats and carbohydrates. That is so cool. You are now beginning to learn how to make your body a lean-burning best lower ab workout machine.

Also, did you know that one of the best things you can do is to eat about twenty percent of your caloric intake from foods that have dietary fat. This dietary fat comes from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are found in such food items as fish oils, nuts, olive oils, avocado and "natural" peanut butter. While eating these foods high in dietary fat, if you keep it a small part of your diet, it will help you build the muscle you need for an awesome lower ab workout and its results. What you might not know is that these types of dietary fats enable your body to maintain a stable insulin level which prevents you from gaining fat. Another wonderful benefit to eating these kinds of snacks is that you will not be starving and the effect of the full feeling will last longer while your body's rate of metabolism or fat-burning is actually increased! In other words, your body begins to burn fat faster and more efficiently to produce the lower ab workout result you desire.

Last, you do need some carbs, but remember to eat your carbohydrates after you workout. This is when your body will cry out for those slow-burning fuels and your muscles need this type of fuel. Consuming carbohyrdates after your workout will ensure that your body is less likely to turn the carbs into fat and store them. How awesome is that! Carbohydrates also act as emergency room repair for your muscles that you have broken down as they repair. And as you know, as your muscles repair themselves, that is the beauty of the reshaping process! Drool! And that means, during your recovery period, you don't work out, and your body is naturally reshaping itself because you - are now an expert at the best lower ab workout secrets to success on the planet!

One final lower ab workout secrets to remember to eat one to two cups of fresh, raw vegetables which will control the levels of insulin in your blood and help your body absorb protein while infusing your new body with all the minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and fiber it could possibly desire. Now, go to the grocery store and use these lower ab workout secrets to have the sexiest abs on the planet!

Tired of looking the same and not getting the lower ab workout results you are sweating to achieve? Change your life! Go to Best Lower Ab Workout [http://ab-work-out.com] and sign up to receive 10 Brand New Video Coaching Lessons to Fast Muscle Gain plus 2 Free Bonus Gifts. If you sign up, you will get FREE coaching tips from Vince Delmonte that will change the way you think! And change the way you eat! And change the way your lower ab looks! Be a head-turner, go to my blog! Kristie

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kristie_Chiles

How to Get Six Pack Abs Easy in Just 4 Weeks - The Super Abs Formula

Why do you want to get six pack abs? Let me guess, every man wants to get six pack and so do you, right? I sure did and now I got it by following this Super Abs Formula.

If your goal is to show off at the pool or on the beach you should really think about this one. What are women looking for in a man? Do they want to see a big muscular beast or a man with a sexy flat stomach? Just think about it. All of the male sex symbols have nice abs, don't they? Taylor Lautner, Brad Pitt, Chris Brown, David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, Robert Pattinson, Matthew McConaughey, Daniel Craig and the list goes on. All of them have it. Many women studies show that this is really true, women really prefer a man who has a sexy flat stomach.

There are a lot of six pack abs programs out there trying to convince you how to get six pack fast. Some of them are good and some are just BS. But I'll tell you the truth right now. There are only 3 simple things to do if you want to get six pack abs. The thing is, you already have a six pack. Yes you do, but you may not see them because you have too much fat in your abdominal area.

So the main key to getting six pack fast and developing a sexy flat stomach is to get your body fat level low enough for the abs to be seen clearly, and also building up those abdominal muscles. That's about it. It's very simple but that's what you have to do if you want to get six pack abs.

So how do you do to get nice abs in just 4 weeks?

First, you have to change your diet to a "Six Pack Diet":

Eat more often. Aim for 6-8 meals per day. Split the meals, not just eat more. This will speed up your metabolism.
Eat food with high quality protein like fish, chicken, turkey and nuts which will provide your body with the amino acids needed for the metabolic process to take place and increase the fat loss.
Eat Complex carbohydrates like cereals, vegetables, potatoes, pasta and grain breads. This will provide the long-term energy which will maintain a stable blood sugar level throughout the day.
Eat healthy fats from nuts and seeds, fish and olive oil. Eating the right amount of healthy fats will have a positive effect on your fat loss.
Don't drinking beer or sugar-sweetened beverages. It contains a lot of sugar that will turn to fat that stores on your stomach.
Avoid white bread and other stuff containing processed carbs. It will raise your blood sugar level and you will gain fat.You have to start doing "Six Pack Workouts":

But remember, you don't need to kill yourself in the gym. One of the biggest misconceptions about getting a six pack is that you must spend hours and hours doing ab work alone. That's absolutely not true at all! You are using your abdominal muscles with every weight lifting exercise you do, Just think about if they were not working, then you would find yourself feeling very unstable, and chances are, you would wind up injured.

But if you want quick results you need to do some abdominal weightlifting. One way of targeting your abdominal muscles is to do 50 - 100 crunches a day which will do the trick in tightening up your stomach muscles.

Get your "Six Pack Cardio" in line

You have to performing cardio properly to get six pack abs. Because if you can't get rid of the fat you'll never be able to see your abs no matter how big they are.

But you don't need to do hours and hours on the treadmill. You just need to do a few quality sessions of cardio work a week. Example of high quality sessions is hill running, skipping or something else that your body is not efficient at.

So to get those six pack abs start by getting low enough body fat level. There are many different ways to get low body fat level. But if you keep a clean diet, do abdominal workout and a cardio training you'll be on your way to getting six pack abs.

If you want to know more about getting six pack abs fast [http://nice-abs.com/specialreports] you can check the website [http://www.nice-abs.com] and get free access to 3 reports that will help you put all of this information together in the fastest possible time and get the body you deserve.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Eagle

How to Build a Muscular Chest and Big Shoulders and Triceps at Home

Most guys think that in order to build a massive chest... you have to bench press. Nothing could be further from the truth. Some guys think that to build round, bulging shoulders... you need access to a shoulder press machine. Wrong again. And some guys still believe that the best way to build thick, horse-shoe shaped triceps is with dumbbell kick-backs.

But what if I told you that you could build a massive chest, broad shoulders and sleeve-stretching triceps without ever leaving your basement? Wait, it gets better. What if I told you that you could completely transform your entire upper body with just one exercise? You probably wouldn't believe me... but it's true.

There is one exercise that is brutally effective at adding slabs of new muscle to your upper body. And best of all, the exercise requires no equipment and can be done anywhere. I won't keep you in suspense any longer. This "miracle" exercise is the good old-fashioned push-up.

Now, don't jump to any conclusions just yet. A lot of guys think this exercise is too basic or too boring. Let me tell you this: The push-up is the ultimate upper body exercise. Not only will you build up your chest, shoulder and tricep muscles, but you'll also add tons of raw strength.

Here's proof: Herschel Walker, a former NFL running back, was famous for his unique home workout programs. He was known for doing hundreds if not thousands of push-ups a day. In fact, Hershel Walker had never seen the inside of a weight room until he went to college. The very first time he tried to bench press, Herschel benched 375lbs for a single rep. He was also able to do 225lbs for 24 reps.

Commercial gyms are littered with guys who bench press all day long. Yet very few guys can bench press 375lbs. If you have any doubts about the effectiveness of the push-up, that story should change your thinking.


There are quite a few variations that you can do. Some variations make the exercise easier. Some make the exercise more difficult. Still others change the focus of the exercise.

Here are five of the most common variations. If you want a strong chest, bulging shoulders and massive triceps... I suggest you start hitting this exercise hard.

Variation #1: The "Girl" Push-up:

This is done just like a normal push-up except that you put your knees on the ground instead of your toes. This makes the exercise easier.

Variation #2: The Incline Push-up:

For this variation, you put your feet up on a block or a couch in order to put your feet in an elevated position. This makes the exercise more difficult and works the upper pectorals.

Variation #3: The Triangle Push-up:

This variation puts more emphasis on the triceps. For this exercise, instead of putting your hands shoulder width apart, you put your hands right next to each other, forming a triangle with your thumbs and forefingers. Then you lower yourself slowly, touch your nose to the inside of the triangle, and return the starting position.

Variation #4: The upside-down push-up:

This variation will blast your shoulders. For this variation, you start in a hand-stand position with your feet resting against the wall for balance. Then you push your body (in a vertical position) up and down.

Variation #5: The one-arm push-up:

This is the king of all push-ups. The one arm push-up forces you to move your entire body using just one arm. To start, spread your legs wide for balance. Get in the starting position and fold one arm behind your back. Slowly lower your body and push-off the ground using your working arm to return the body to the starting position.

Not many guys can do a one-arm push-up and this is truly a feat of strength.

Work hard at the push-up and these variations and you'll experience phenomenal new strength and muscle gains in your chest, shoulders and triceps.

Matt Marshall is the author of the Tried and True Fitness blog - a site that reveals time-tested methods for building muscle, burning fat and achieving optimum health.

To sign up for his free newsletter, visit http://www.triedandtruefitness.com/freetips/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Marshall

The Best Home Based Six Pack Abs Exercise Routine Revealed

To have well defined abdominal muscles is one of the common things that men and even women want to attain. In order to do this, some spend most of their time in the gym or in an exclusive fitness center. There are home based six pack abs exercise routines which can help in attaining the body that most people want to have. Not only do these routines help in strengthening the body, it also helps in toning the abdominal muscles and the obliques, making the stomach area as firm as possible.

There are easy to do exercises which could help in defining the abs and eliminating the love handles found on the stomach. One of the home based six pack abs exercise routines includes crunches, sit-ups, reverse crunches and even the bicycle. By learning these exercises, one would be able to achieve the body that he/she wants.

The most common exercises that people do are the crunches and the sit-ups. Both require the knees being bent and both have the same starting position. The difference lies in the way that it is executed in which the sit ups should let the upper body reach the knees.

On the other hand, the upper body only goes half way when doing the crunches. Doing these home based six pack abs exercise routines done alternately or one after the other increases the chances of attaining well defined abs. Doing the reverse crunches means that the legs are the ones which should be lifted off the floor. By doing these, the lower abdominal muscles are the ones being targeted and toned. It is important that both the upper and the lower abs be worked out in order to attain six pack abs.

According to some research, the most effective exercise in toning the abdominal muscles is the bicycle. The bicycle targets both the lower and the upper abs by touching the elbow with the opposite bent knee. After such, the bent knee would then extend making way for the other knee to bend and be reached by the opposite elbow. Doing this exercise for around 5-10 repetitions would ensure a total abdominal workout including the obliques.

These home based six pack abs exercise routines may be done individually or become a part of a circuit training to give better results. As the muscles become stronger, the number of repetitions should increase as well in order add resistance and challenge to the abs.

Some of the home based six pack abs exercise routine's effectiveness may be increased with the addition of weights or an exercise ball. This increases the intensity and of the workout, giving better results and additional resistance which makes the muscles work harder.

Being able to work out at home is very easy, the results may be seen in around 2 to 4 weeks depending on how disciplined a person is in working out. Determination, discipline and the proper diet is the key to having great six pack abs to die for.

Lastly, you'll also need to combine your training efforts with a proper six pack abs diet, failure to do so can so often means failing to achieve your fitness goals.

The best way to do so is to follow a proven abs program [http://www.sixpackabsprogram.com], find out more!

The author mostly writes about fitness and health, aside from that, he's also a big fan of definitive technology speakers [http://www.definitivetechnologyspeakersreview.com]!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_Correll

How to Get Bigger Triceps - 5 Tips For Fast Tricep Muscle Growth

The triceps are notoriously hard to target and grow. There's something about this muscle group that defies fast muscle growth... unless you really know what you're doing. To help you get big triceps, I want to share with you a few tips that you need to keep in your mind. Follow these tips and you will get bigger triceps faster than you would have otherwise.

1. Do bodyweight exercises - The triceps are one of the body parts that's easy to exercise with your body weight as resistance. Bodyweight tricep exercises provide an easy way to work the triceps at home with minimal equipment. One fine example of such an exercise is the tricep dip which can be done with a couch or a chair at home. Another possibility is the close grip pushup.

2. Do compound exercises - The triceps are a small muscle group and it will never develop properly with just focused exercises. The triceps serve as supporting muscles in many other exercises, mainly chest workouts so make sure to do these as well. Exercises such as push-ups, dips, chest presses, and shoulder presses provide a great way to train the triceps in compound movements.

3. Work the triceps twice a week. Less than that is too little, more than that may be too much. You need to rest for 48-72 hours between each workout to allow the muscles to recover and grow. This means that working out twice a week should be right to produce the biggest muscle growth with a low risk of injury or pain.

4. Do focused tricep exercises such as lying tricep extensions, tricep pushdowns, kickbacks, close grip pushups, and so on after you do compound exercises. This will help you push the muscles to the limits and initiate bigger growth. Make sure to keep perfect form. While lifting heavy weights is crucial for fast muscle growth, you must maintain proper technique.

5. Eat right - To build bigger muscles, no matter which bodypart you're interested in, you have to eat right. You need to feed your muscles to allow them to grow. A diet high in protein and complex carbs is what you need to make sure your workouts don't go to waste. Eat often, eat lean, and give your body protein after each strength workout for the biggest growth.

Getting big triceps will take some time so you need to be patient. If you keep at it, there's no reason why you shouldn't get excellent results.

Visit How to Get Big Triceps for more tips and tricks to the perfect triceps.

Visit Tricep Pushup proper technique to see how to do this home tricep exercise.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

Bust Belly Fat: How A Smoothie Diet Can Trim Your Tummy

As another mother, beer-drinker, or probably any other person would attest - one of the hardest places to lose weight in is the belly. Even if one is on a diet, belly fat doesn't really go away that easily. But ab crunches and smaller meal portions aside, there is actually a way to trim tummy fat that isn't as strenuous ab-intensive exercises or as expensive as cosmetic surgery.

A smoothie diet is a great weight loss solution but this liquid diet weight loss program can also be used to specifically bust belly fat. Here are two smoothie diet weight loss solutions you can try to get rid of your gut.

Pure Smoothie Diet for 3 Days

Starving yourself just to lose weight isn't healthy so a liquid diet weight loss regimen is a good way to cut the calories but still get the nutrition you need, especially from fruit or vegetable smoothies.

If you want to lose weight (and your belly) fast, consume nothing but smoothies and water for 3 days. But take note, some smoothies especially those from restaurants still contain a lot of calories so a homemade smoothie diet is still the best solution.

Make sure your smoothies are made from fresh and organic fruit and vegetables. Keep your fruit and vegetable selections as colorful as possible - peaches, bananas, cucumber, and spinach are good smoothie diet options.

However, since you can't consume solid food for up to 3 days, make sure you take up to 16 helpings of fruit and vegetable smoothies a day as well as 16 glasses of water or more.

Just make sure you don't stay on this smoothie diet beyond the 3 days or take fruit or vegetable juice as a substitute - it isn't healthy to just live on smoothies and water. This is a great liquid diet weight loss solution that can help you get rid of belly fat but you still have to eat solid food to be fit and healthy.

Belly-Busting Smoothie Diet Ingredients

Now being on a liquid diet (and eating solid food) isn't enough to facilitate weight loss, much less get rid of your gut.

There are some ingredients you can incorporate into your smoothie diet to improve your liquid diet weight loss. Here are some of them:

Protein. Add milk, yogurt, and whey or protein powder into your smoothie because protein is essential for weight loss. This would help you feel fuller as well and keep you from eating more than you need.
Fiber. Fiber rich food such as oatmeal, nuts, fruits, flax seed, and wheat germ can improve bowel movement, prevent constipation, and a bloated belly. Apple skins, oranges, and vegetables are a great source of fiber.
Calcium. Studies show that calcium-rich food like low-fat or non-fat cheese or milk can reduce a person's risk for obesity and heart disease.

To optimize this liquid diet, avoid artificial sweeteners like white sugar, honey, brown sugar, or even maple syrup. These just add unnecessary calories with little nutritional value. Fresh fruits are natural sugar sources so use these instead in your weight loss diet.

In addition, you can get more quality information about how a smoothie diet [http://smoothiediethq.com/] can help you with your weight loss goals by visiting [http://smoothiediethq.com/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kim_Bermudez

The 7 Best Foods to Get Rid of Belly Fat Lightning Fast!

Are you battling to get rid of belly fat? The solution may lie right with the foods you are eating....or not eating. In this article, I am going to show you the 7 best foods you should have in your diet to get rid of belly fat...lightning fast!

First, you have to understand that to get rid of belly fat and get that tight stomach, it takes a mixture of the following four parts to reach fat loss and weight loss success.

1. Get an adequate amount of sleep every night. I recommend for you to get 7-8 hours every night.

2. Drink plenty of H20 everyday. (Here's a tip: make sure it is ice cold water. Ice cold water triggers your body to burn calories to get it to body temperature.)

3. Exercise. I recommend for you to do both cardiovascular and weight training exercise to yield the best results.

4. Proper nutrition..... The following are the 7 best foods to get rid of belly fat:

1. Lean Poultry : Lean cuts of chicken ( breast ) & turkey breast.

2. Multi grain Foods : Oatmeal ( If you have oatmeal, guarantee it is rolled oats and also that you make it with water or skim milk. ), brown rice, wild rice, quinoa.

3. Healthy Fats : Healthy fats such as monounsaturated fats are vital to not just get rid of belly fat, but also to your overall health. Some examples of monounsaturated fats would be Olive Oil, Avocado, Almonds, Fish, and so much more.

4. Seafood : Containing all eight necessary amino acids, seafood is a superb source of protein. Fish also contains omega fatty acids which are undeniably crucial for your well being. The 2 best types to eat are salmon and tuna ( if canned - light tuna in water ).

5. Protein Shakes : You see muscle builders around the gymnasium chugging protein down like water...and for a good reason. Protein shakes are piled high with 20-36+ grams of protein. Protein is awfully significant for your well-being, fat burning, and muscle building. Protein also repairs tissues in your muscles after working out, making it critically crucial to drink or eat some type of protein at least inside half an hour after working out. Though protein is critical for your body, you must take it fastidiously.

6. Fruits: If you do not know by this point that eating lots of fruits daily will shed off pounds, help you get rid of belly fat, and reveal those much desired abs, then I would like to ask what planet do you live on! The top fruit to eat is Apples since they're high in fiber ( which will help you feel full ), lowcal and more. A little trick would be to consume an apple before you eat a meal, this way due to the fiber in apples, you'll get full faster when you eat your meal.

7. Vegetable: Vegetables ( especially green vegetables ) are stuffed with different vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals are vital for your well-being and for getting rid of belly fat. Here is a tip for you : Pack some cut vegetables to take with you or at home to have as a quick snack/meal. This may manifestly help in deterring your desire for junk food.

Don't forget, in order to truly get rid of belly fat, you have to follow those 4 steps above ( sleep, water, exercise, eat right ) to successfully lose belly fat and shed the pounds for that matter. Do not get fooled into assuming that all you should do is lay down and crank out 50-100 crunches a day to get a flat stomach.

Are you you ready to get rid of belly fat now? I recommend for you to take a look at this powerful fat burning program here. This program is straight to the point and is not your typical "low calorie", "no carb", "don't eat anything all day" type of diet.

I wish you the best of success in getting yourself in better health and getting yourself those much desired six pack abs! Good Luck!

Avy Barnes is a long time health and fitness enthusiast. Being someone who once struggled in weight loss, muscle building, and overall health improvement, you will be able to connect more to all the information he provides through articles right here on EzineArticles.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes

How To Get Rid Of Your Stomach Fat Now

Liposuction is one extreme way that people try to get rid of stomach fat. This form of plastic surgery works by hooking up a machine to certain parts of the body. The machine then sucks out the fat, leaving the person looking skinnier. The problem with using this way to get rid of stomach fat is that it is often very expensive, and very painful. The procedure can be used in many places across the body, but even the smallest liposuction can cost $10,000 or more. It is also a very painful procedure. Areas where the liposuction was performed will often swell and bruise for weeks afterward. Another problem is what could happen during the operation. There are cases of people dying during liposuction, or becoming very sick later. That's a lot to go through just to get rid of stomach fat.

Another quick fix solution some people use to get rid of stomach fat are all natural wraps and steam baths. There's nothing necessarily wrong with using the steam and tightening to reduce stomach fat, except that it isn't a permanent solution. Rather than actually lowering the amount of fat in the body, it simply removes excess water from the body. This gives the appearance of tighter skin and a flatter stomach, but is not actually working to get rid of stomach fat.

The biggest quick fix that people use to get rid of stomach fat are diet pills that are available over the counter. These pills do not require a doctor's prescription, and are often less effective than prescription pills, but they are easily the most popular way people try to get rid of stomach fat. Some of the more popular diet pills found over the counter include Stacker 2, Stacker 3, Alli, Trim Spa, and Relacore. Certain manufacturers of diet pills even advertise their products as an easy and fast way to get rid of stomach fat.

Experts are quick to speak out against many of these products. They claim that losing weight and losing body fat should happen slowly and over the course of many months or years. These products claim that the affects can be seen in just a few short weeks, which is not only unhealthy but dangerous as well. The best way to get rid of stomach fat is to change your eating habits, and begin exercising regularly. The effects will take a few months to be seen, but it is a healthier option than adding more chemicals to your body.

Matt D Murren owns and operates [http://www.stomach-fat-advisor.com] - Lose Stomach Fat [http://www.stomach-fat-advisor.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Murren

3 Effective Lower Ab Exercises - How To Build Your Lower Abs Fast!

You will get much stress in your lower abs by doing leg raises from different angles. I see that most people
in the gym are working mostly their upper abs. Their are doing lots of sit-ups with additional weight and crunches with machines
or flat on the floor. These are good exercises to strengthen your middle and upper abs, but the problem is the weak lower abs
and incorrect training techniques.

Ab exercises for lower abdominals gives you the nice burn especially in your lower abs and the top on your thighs as well.
You don't need to do 20 different ab exercises to blast your abs, instead pick up 3 exercises, that works in each upper, middle and lower area.
If you have tendency to have problems to develop lower abs, always do the exercises for lower abs first and keep the focus of lower abs.

Training your abs is a little bit different than for example training chest or biceps, but not much. You don't need any special techniques to develop
lower abs as well as upper abs. I recommend you to follow strict technique and concentrate to slow controlled reps. Sometimes I see, that people are
doing the movement by jerking with their body.

1) Reverse crunches

This is on of my favourite and best lower ab exercises. I and many other athletes have achieved great result performing this ab exercises slowly and
under control. This exercises has many variations, but in my opinion it's best done lying on the bench press bench that allows you to take a firm grip
at the end of the bench.

This is a basic exercise for lower abs, that anyone can do it anywhere. You can perform this comfort at home by lying on the floor. Or hanging
by your hands from a bar or resting on your forearms on a hanging Leg raise bench instead of lying on a bench. The technique will be the same. In the example,
I'll show you how to build your lower abs by doing leg raises on a bench.

Execution: Lie on your back on the bench take a grip from the rack (at the end of the bench) behind your head with both hands for support. Bend
your knees so that your butt is slightly off the bench. Bring your knees up as fat toward our face as you can without lifting your pelvis off the bench.
Bring your knees towards to your face, rounding your back and crunching up toward the rip cage. Hold this position for a moment and squeeze the ab for full contraction.
Lower your legs slowly back to the starting position, until your lower back is resting on a bench.

2) Leg raises

Leg raises are the king of all lower ab exercises and it shouldn't be neglected! Even though leg raises works your abs only indirectly, you
should include leg raises to your workout routine. No matter what expert says, Many athletes including bodybuilders have gotten great results by doing leg raises.
Leg raises are not only emphasize your lower abs, but tighten your hips, buttocks and lower back.

You may want to bent knees during the exercises to lighten the stress to your hip flexors, (the muscle that raise and lower the legs). I use both variations.
There are more variations, how you can perform leg raises. Hanging leg raises are very strict and intense exercises, that hit your lower abs hard. To make it more comfortable,
support your back against the wall for example. To add more resistance, you can perform this exercises on a incline board. In the example, I'll show you, how to do leg raises in a vertical bench.

Execution: Position yourself on your arms on a vertical bench. Hold your upper body steady by supporting your back on vertical pad. From a starting position, bend your
knees and bring them as high as you can as you would trying to reach the shoulders with your knees, until your hips are fully flexed. At this position, your hips are slightly off from the back support
and your abs fully flexed through full range of motion. While squeezing your abs hard, hold this position for a second or two and with your knees bent, lower them again to the starting position.

3) Bicycle exercise

This is the third and final lower ab exercise of the 3 best exercises for lower abdominals. Bicycle exercise on a floor will develop both, lower abdominals, obliques and intercostals.
This exercise is effective, because you hit each side separately. I always do this exercises at the and of my ab workout. It is best done without counting reps, instead do each set in 30-60 second
periods depending of the experience levels and goals. My advice is that you first train with less time and then gradually increase the time.

Good news is, that you don't need any special equipments or tools to complete this ab exercise. In any case the best option is to perform this exercises by lying on the floor. Use a special exercise mat
or carpet as a berth to make this exercise to be more comfortable.

Execution: Lying on your back on the floor, put your hands behind your head and place your knees to 45-degee angle, so that your soles are slightly off the floor. This is a starting position.
Now begin a pedal motion, bringing your knees one by one toward your opposite elbow. Bring your knee as far as you can, until it will touch to opposite elbow. Then bring your knee to the starting position
and simultaneously bring the opposite knee towards the opposite elbow.

Tips: Any variation of an exercise forces the muscles to respond in new and different ways. These ab exercises are confirmed to be the best lower ab exercises. The research has shown, that these 3 exercises
activates more muscle in your abs, than for example regular crunches. It has been tested with the EMG (electromyography) equipment, which tests the amount of muscle activity. There were tested 13 common ab exercises
and the above three are on the top 6, taking into consideration that these exercises build your lower abs and help you to get flat stomach.

You can have the best ab workout program for the lower abs, you can have the exercises for lower abs but you won't get any results, if you don't know the truth, how to get flat stomach and how to build lower abs. Click here [http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-get-great-abs] to learn more!

Before you even think any ab exercise, make sure you have a well planned diet and best interval cardio routine combined to your ab workout.. If not then you should read my review of the best selling book "The truth about six pack abs" [http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-get-great-abs] and get the FREE E-book "Insider secrets for a lean body" plus much more....

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Petri_Olsson

How To Get Abs Fast - Fast Track Strategies To Great Abs

I know the feeling...summer is approaching and you look down at your winter belly with disgust, thinking 'I need to shape up for summer.' Having great abs is not only one of the sexiest things to have, but is arguably the most sought after things that will most definitely get you noticed on any beach. So, if summer is steaming with you desperately wanting to know how you can get those great abs in time to impress, help is at hand. Here are some ideas on how to get abs fast, but be warned - it's not going to happen overnight and it probably won't involve some magic pill or potion that is advertised on late night TV.

Targeting the abdominal muscles is quite difficult and along with our modern diets high in saturated fat and sugar developing 6-pack abs presents quite a challenge. No wonder we value it so much - it really is hard work. Depending on your current situation, you can develop a perfect set of 6-pack abs in as little as 6 weeks. Most people already have a 6-pack, the only problem is that it is covered in a layer of fat.

The first thing we need to do then is to get rid of this layer of fat that is hiding our greatest 'beach asset'. How do we do that? Start off with cardio training as an overall weight loss exercise. You need to do at least 50 minutes 5 to 6 days a week (remember we are on the fast track here) and preferably you should run, swim, cycle or be on a stepper or equivalent apparatus.

The reason for this is that these exercises also work the abdominal area while you loose weight and it starts toning your abs while you shed the pounds. Your 50 minutes of cardio training should be preceded by 10 minutes of warm up and the 50 minutes need to be 50 minute at 60% of your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age and you can buy a relatively inexpensive heart rate monitor to help you train with consistency and efficiency. This is really important for effective weight loss.

Apart from doing cardio training you also need to incorporate strength training to build and tone the abs. As you build the muscles you will start to increase the metabolism in your ab muscles which will help with burning more fat in that area and the overall appearance of the muscles will improve. There are many types of strength training exercises that you can do to target your abdominal muscles. Sit-ups, crunches and leg lefts are exercises that we are all familiar with. The best way to do it is to incorporate these exercises with your cardio routine - especially after your run, swim or cycle.

Although very few people want to hear it, diet is incredibly important. Excess fat tends to collect around our waists and actually ads to that layer of fat that 'hides' your six pack. If you are looking for ways how to get abs fast, then you have to address your diet. You need to eliminate fatty foods. Apart from adding to the layer of fat, it also slows down your metabolism which slows down the tempo at which your body burns fat. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will increase your energy levels, speed up your metabolism and improve your overall health.

Although there are many products advertised for how to get abs fast, in the end you are the one who's going to do it. Quick fixes never work long term and all the creams, potions and vibrating machines...well, you decide for yourself. Either way you have to get rid of the fat to and build the muscles.

The greatest reward is not in having great abs, but in the sense of pride and achievement from actually doing it. Although it varies depending on your current weight, you can see real and measurable results in as little as 6 weeks - if you stick to the routine above. Diet combined with targeted exercise is the way to go. This is how to get abs fast and leave lasting impressions on your friends when they see your perfectly toned set of abs.

Article by Deon Du Plessis
For more information on how to build that perfect set of abs faster than you ever though possible, visit www.Sincere-Advice.com/Perfect_Abs.html [http://www.sincere-advice.com/perfect_abs.html] for more information and practical tips. You can also get your FREE exercise and nutritional guide to get you started on your way to perfect abs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Deon_Plessis

Body Shaping Exercise Secrets for Women

The secrets of effective body shaping for women must first start with a clear understanding of the term's meaning. All too often the term is misused and confused with other fitness related phrases or activities. This is one of the untold reasons why so many women never achieve the body shaping results they desire and deserve.

Body shaping is not bodybuilding, power-lifting, or weight training. These forms of exercise are not for everybody - but body shaping can be, especially for women who are not satisfied with the shape of their body.

Too fat and flabby or too skinny and unshapely? A well structured body shaping exercise program can be the missing link between you and the sexy body you desire and deserve.

Body shaping is the wise use of certain principles of exercise, fitness and smart nutrition to manifest desired changes in the body. Much too often, the term is confused with other types of exercise programs that are not conducive to firming and shaping the female body, safely and efficiently.

There are several elements of body shaping, although not all elements apply to all women. Fat removal, cellulite reduction, skin tightening, feminine muscle shaping, inches lost, changes in body composition levels, shaping curvy thighs or a rounder butt, toning up the arms and shoulders, losing stomach flab - these can all fall under the heading of body shaping for women.

Two ladies with very different goals can follow the same type of fitness program while adhering to nutritional plans that are structured to be in line with their goals, and dependent on their starting points, with measurable progress and consistent success.

A woman who is sixty-three pounds over weight and wanting to lose body fat has the same 'body' (a human body) as a woman who is slightly under weight and wants to gain some muscle weight, through body shaping exercises, while improving her overall level of fitness. Although there may be differences in natural abilities of coordination or strength they can both do the same exercise routine. Differences in caloric intake and the quality of foods eaten will be the factor that brings each of these women closer to their individual body shaping goals.

Cardiovascular exercise may be slightly different. The woman who wants to lose body fat to achieve body shaping results, will devote a larger amount of time to cardiovascular exercise (25 - 40 minutes) as compared to the woman who wants to build up certain areas of her body to become more shapely(15 - 25 minutes).

Some body shaping programs try to combine the resistance exercise with cardiovascular exercise. While this is not easy, and most programs fall short of doing this successfully, it is possible - especially when the body shaping program uses body-weight exercise principles.

A body shaping program is not usually found in the gym setting. You either have individual programs of weight training and machine exercises or large group classes doing some form of aerobics with some basic body shaping moves. True body shaping takes advantage of gravity, body-weight and kinesiology to bring about changes in the female body through full body conditioning and targeted muscle shaping exercises and workouts. When these factors are combined properly, you can realistically expect to see definite results within three to four weeks - especially when a moderate amount of attention is paid to nutritional intake and daily calories.

The best body shaping programs should be portable - meaning you can do them anywhere and anytime. Leaving no room for the typical excuses of not sticking with 'the program' and allowing you to make continuous progress toward the body shaping goals you have defined for your self.

Joey Atlas, Exercise Physiologist, is the mastermind of the Top Body Shaping Video Series for Women.

The Leg Butt Hip & Thigh Makeover.

Also visit Core Secrets for Hot Core Fitness tips.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joey_Atlas

Secrets of Weight Lifting for Women Revealed

One of the most effective ways for weight loss is to lift weights, but many women do not go for it. So the weight lifting for women can be quite effective if done in right manner. So if you are not afraid to give weight lifting a try in order to lose weight then you would want to read on.

So how does a women start on lifting weights. The main thing you should know that as you are trying weight lifting for the first time, don't straight away go for the huge ones. I advise you to take it slowly. Go for light weights and slowly graduate to the heavy ones. So by the time you reach for the heavy ones your body would be able to them.

Now when you go for exercising on the various equipment's that are available in the gym, make sure that you consult the instructor first. The gym instructor will explain you the right way to exercise on a machine and will also help you choose the specifics for that machine. If you do not consult the instructor and go for the machines yourself, there are chances that you may hurt your body due to over stressing.

The other thing you have to take care of is that, you give proper training to both the parts of your body. Most women think that they just need to work on the lower part of the body, ignoring the upper part. This can be harmful as it can cause your body to become disproportionate. So you have to take care that you exercise both halves of your body similarly to gain a good physique.

I discussed the things you need to take care while you go for weight lifting. Weight lifting for women is possible and it will give results if done properly. So put this to use and you will be able to lose weight through weight lifting for women.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stacie_Smith